Tier 4 Tree Rewards - Auraxium Weapons Joke

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MikeC0bretti, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Agrajag

    But if you had, say, the 160 kill medal thing, that doesn't?
  2. TraatAdmiral

    It ought to. I've already got the Gold level sniper rifle directive because I'd Auraxiumed 2 of them and have enough kills with another. Only the weapon directives are retroactive, but you should have at least a couple of those unlocked already.

    That said, patch has broken a lot of stuff. It looks like some character stuff is iffy right now--the first time I logged in today everything seemed fine, but a couple of minutes ago it didn't remember any of my stats or anything. If you try again in a little while or once SOE's hotfixed stuff you should see your current directive score.
  3. BobSanders123

    A true veteran player will know how to make use of the extra 50 rounds in the T9A Butcher. Well... hell..... Any dimwit who knows how to pull a trigger will know how to use it. Aim. Shoot at badguy. Done. Repeat until magazine is empty.
  4. Regpuppy

    That's because they're all fitted with smart chokes. Less hip-fire, more ADS. Higby said that was them testing the waters with said attachment.
  5. Kociboss

    Please, let me remove that godawful 3.4 scop from my T1 Unity :<
  6. Akashar

    Already have 4 auraxium on lmg, waiting for the fifth, should get betelgeuse next week.
  7. PastalavistaBB

    Unless you are one of these Fedora wearing Neckbeards that already Auraxiumed every weapon in the game before the Directives went live, they are not worth the Grind. I mean, it takes forever to Auraxium a weapon for an average player. You have to Auraxium 5 class weapons for each class (Engi and LA get the same carbines), so 5x4=20 Auraxiums. If you play all Factions, that's 20x3=60 Auraxiums. If you count the vehicle Auraxiums too, it makes the list even longer. It's not realistic to expect an average player to get more than 1 Special Auraxium weapon. And with the new Nanite Resource System, it's near impossible to Auraxium consumables like mines, grenades and C4. Tank cannons got übernerfed, so don't expect to Auraxium them either. Same with the Bulldog. It's just SOE's way to try and compensate for the lack of a metagame.
  8. Zhakathoom

    Giving seasoned/veteran players any significant gameplay advantage over other, newer players in say the form of a, albeit hardearned, supergun is a surefire way of combining facepalm and cratering. An epic faceplant so to speak..

    Cosmetic benefits is the only way to go. By all means; make the cosmetics flashy and easy to see, but handing out upperhand tools left and right not only skewes balance and transforms players on the receiving end into sad pandas, but it also takes away from the accomplishment of the achievement itself and detracts any value of any achievement that the veteran in question would ever do past receiving said upperhand tool.

    Let me enact this in a short play for clarity. I am now playing the role of SOE, the developers of this game, in the process of implementing achievementbased upperhand tools that shifts gameplay balance in the favor of a small, select elite.

    Ahem. Ok here goes:

    "Hello there veteran player! Behold this fantastic weapon that I shall bestow upon you to reward your accomplishments in killing other players. But first: Watch my foot vanish as I shoot it!


    There! Now, here is your fantastic new gun. Feel free to shoot your own foot off with it. After all that's what it's made for."

    - Z