TI Alloys - Weird Occurrence

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Sincore, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. Sincore

    I have a strange situation that happened to me yesterday while I was defending TI Alloys from NC attackers from the crown and it bothered me so much that I'm looking to the infiltrator community for a little assistance on solving the case.

    We had just pushed off an NC offensive back towards the crown and the Vanu were starting to push off towards the crown. I was hanging back just walking around the base and chatting with my friend on Skype when I noticed on my map that the capture point was being contested. So I brought my infiltrator to the capture point and started looking for the perpetrator, only to find absolutely no one yet the capture point was still being contested as I could not capture the point back until some allies returned. Using my my thinking cap I came to the conclusion at that moment that there had to be an infiltrator with stalker cloak sitting somewhere on the point.

    This is where things got... weird. I used 5 EMP grenades on the point with no success in removing the infiltrator from cloak, then proceeded to do a Darklight sweep of the capture point. With no luck at this point, I went hunting for any geometry bugs where you could capture the point from outside the room (as sometimes its possible if the capture zone clips through the wall). I checked the roof and the surrounding outside walls with no luck. So resorting to extreme measures I got a Scout Radar flash with rank 4/5 (or 3/4)and proceeded to the point, only to discover that no enemy was within 80m of the capture point (knowing that I can still spot stationary targets with the scout radar, unless they changed it recently) .

    At this point we had pushed to the crown and started capturing one of the objectives making TI Alloys locked for capture. I decided to chill at TI alloys hoping to eventually find the person capturing the point. 15 minutes later, after being pushed off of the crown (with TI alloys now able to be contested) the point was no longer being captured. So I assumed that the infiltrator who had been there earlier had left. Still sitting on the capture point on my flash watching the minimap for any players who were coming to capture the point, I get the notification at the top of my screen that the point is being captured again. This is where I got annoyed enough in not finding the enemy (after 25 minutes of searching with every tool available) that I logged off of my vanu character and went to my NC character to find the person on the minimap (since allies show up). But at this point the NC had advanced to the base and were on the capture point so it was impossible to find the person who had been originally capturing the point.

    Now, here I am a day later still confused on what exactly happened and looking to you guys for any knowledge you may have of any bugs / glitches that could enable you to capture the point from weird places in the base.
  2. Eyeklops

    I recently had a similar experience to this. Not enough info was available to determine foul play vs code bug though. We just held a few people back and started the cap on the next base to lock the point. Not much else you can do ATM.
  3. Silvermyst

    Lots of people are having this issue. There's another thread here that suggests it's actually a bug in many cases.

    That being said I had 2-3 experiences like this but did end of finding the stalker cloak infiltrator. The first time it took me like 10 minutes, but after that I figured out better what sort of places people like to hide. So it may be a bug, and stalker cloak infiltrators. Which is really annoying because then when you're looking around you don't know if there's actually anybody there or not.

    But the devs are working on it. I imagine the bug side will get fixed within a couple of weeks. Either way, getting a darklight attachment for your sidearm is looking like a really, really important piece of equipment right now. (that or your accuracy stats will plummet as you shoot bursts length ways down the edges of the room looking for people who may or may not be there.)
  4. Canno

    Had something like that happen a long time ago in a bio lab. One of the points kept flipping but there was no one around. Well before stalker cloaks and the map showed zero enemies. You could actually stand IN the room and it would start to flip.

    At one point we had 3 squadmates standing at the capture point and it'd still flip to about half way and then go back to us. Weird stuff. I'd chalk it up to a bug if you had a scout there.
  5. FourTwoFour

    It's a new bug. Sometimes you're at Hvar while capturing Allatum Bio Lab etc.
  6. Sincore

    Ok cool, thanks for the information! Just going to play good guy VS for a couple of weeks and let allies/enemies know when this happens.