ThundaHawk's Magnificent Ode to Scythe Ramming

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ThundaHawkPS, May 1, 2013.

  1. Tekuila

    What music did you use for your two videos?
  2. Kirseva

    Its obvious now that they need to get rid of the ramming damage and instead release a lance-type weapon.

    Now we can have jousting standoffs :D
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  3. TriumphOfMan

    Yesterday Naterian organised a dogfight between a bunch of NC characters and GotR.

    Knowing Naterian to be a terrible pilot and an insult to the Tuskeegee Airmen of old I offered to lend him the services of my Galaxy, which was gladly accepted. My TR Gal fell into line with the Reavers and we rolled out to meet the GotR scythes above J908.

    And lo and behold, GotR's opening move was to immediately ram the **** out of multiple Reavers.

    I counterattacked and smashed 3 Scythes to pieces with my Galaxy. Whatever Vanu shenanigans they use were no match for the sheer manly bulk my loins. Also my Galaxy.

    The lesson we have learned today is don't be a ****** ESF pilot, fly a Galaxy instead and prove your superiority at airborne fisticuffs.

    P.S. Thunda put the Scatmax away. You are bad. Bad Thunda.
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  4. Wayfar

    Well I'd give major props to guy who could dodge on coming ram. really skill there man!
  5. mpal

    As a vanu infantry dude who hates being lolpodded and airhammered, I fully endorse what ever scythe pilots do to keep the skies friendly.

    Except cheating/3rd party programs.
  6. Xasapis

    Well, in all honesty, if you're a bad ESF driver, suiciding on somebody that is about to kill you does seem like a viable tactic, regardless of ESF.
  7. Bolticus

    I've always wondered why I survived head-on collisions with other ESFs. I don't deliberately try to do it, but rather, people end up flying into me.

    And by the way, do you have a NC Mattherson alt?
    By the name of ThundaHawkLS?
    The moment I saw that name I thought of that invisible bridge support and just burst out laughing.:)
  8. ThundaHawkPS

    Scythe ram song is "Engineer Cid".

    The song in this

    is "Godspeed".

    You can find both tracks at

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  9. ThundaHawkPS

    Yo watch the video again at [0:40]. After that Scythe runs through a Reaver, it afterburners straight up at me not even bothering to fire its weapons. I just barely dodge the ram because I saw it coming a mile away and held descend the entire time. Just barely avoided the scumbag.

    Then I killed him for great Justice.

  10. ThundaHawkPS

    Yo Air Hammer got nerfed.

    When is Scythe ramming gonna get nerfed?

  11. Phazaar

    Good video mate, keep up the cause. They're working on our convergence fix already. Next up, crab claws...
  12. Angry Scientist

    Edit: Nevermind, I just read the thread and my question was already answered.
  13. nella

    I've been saying this for a long time, but I wasn't going to make a video to silence the people asking for proof. What's really sad is people still defending this.
  14. ThundaHawkPS

    Finulu Fantasy

    scroll up for source.

  15. ThundaHawkPS

    You know I keep saying I want to make a Galaxy ram video but I never get around to it.

    What I really want to do is make a group galaxy ram vid. With like, 2-3 galaxies just pressing themselves together to squish ESF and libs between them. It would be like fat person gang **** holy crap the forum would love that.

    Scatmax is pretty weak now. After I get the last hacksaw auraxium for the gold pistol (which isn't really gold) I'll prob start using dual bursters for AI duty.

  16. Torok

    well it's called Scythe for something :eek:
  17. ThundaHawkPS

    stop that Tray balance and gameplay arent ur department man

  18. ThundaHawkPS

    Where you at, Obscura? Come out of hiding and admit you were wrong like a man.

    Scythe ram properties were never 'theory'. I captured the footage in my video over the course of under four hours of total flight time, about half of which was against the TR.

    Scythe ramming has been happening on a daily basis. Every day, scythes accidentally or intentionally collide with enemy ESF, one-shot them, and fly off with 33-50% hp remaining. The netcode in this game being as it is, you can avoid the Scythe on your own screen in third person and still die to their ram.

    If 1-shot mechanics are bad gameplay, one-shot mechanics that punish vehicles are extremely bad gameplay. Let's not talk counterplay. Let's not argue whether it's intentional or a bug.

    The fact is, 1-shot ramming deaths between ESF is anti-fun and anti-competition.
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  19. CptFirelord

    Thundahack, what airframe you use? Dog fighter?
  20. ThundaHawkPS

    I use Racer 90% of the time. Hover is good on Scythe.