Thumper Disruptpr Ammunition Cyllinder doesn't rotate

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Viscarion, Dec 2, 2019.

  1. Viscarion

    Yeah, this isn't a big issue, I just noticed it and wanted to report it.

    I play as TR, so it might be TR specific? No idea.

    When I have the Thumper out, and I have Disruptepr Ammunition equipped, the cylinder that should hold the ammunition does not do the rotation animation between shots like the regular cylinder does. Incendiary works fine, it's just the Disruptor ammo's model that is wonky.
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  2. Viscarion

    Figured I'd bump this since you guys are fixing bugs all around. This is still an issue. The animation for the disrupter ammo is not fixed, it still fails to rotate between shots.

    Unrelated, but I don't remember making those typos.
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