Three big annoying bugs that greatly impacts gameplay

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Quovatis, May 28, 2013.

  1. Quovatis

    1) Render issues for turrets vs tanks. This is STILL an issue. AV MANA turrets can fire on enemy tanks and the tank can't return fire because the turret doesn't render on their screen. This is HUGE. The tank takes damage and never knows where the missiles are coming from because the missiles don't render either at long range. There should be NO CIRCUMSTANCES where a unit can attack another unit and one doesn't render to the other. Please fix. This still goes for AA MAXES as well.

    2) C4 doing zero damage ~25% of the time. It's very frustrating to drop a C4 brick next to a MAX and eng and then see the charge do zero damage. It visually blows up, but does no damage. Again, this is a gamebreaking issue and not all that rare either. It sucks to die because of the bug or watch yourself throw away 200 resources for a light show. The bug doesn't fix itself until you die, so resupplying with more C4 only wastes even more resources.

    3) Engineer ACE tool unelectable. I don't know what exactly causes this bug, but I think it has to do with dying while a MANA turret is constructing. Once that happens, the engineer cannot place another turret or use the ammo packs EVER again. The only way to fix the bug is to restart the client. It sucks to be rolling with your squad only to find out you have the bug and can't give ammo. I think there's a similar bug with the underbarrel grenade launcher where you cannot select the regular fire mode after placing a turret with the grenade launcher equipped. Again, this is gamebreaking as you can no longer defend yourself since you can't select your main weapon.
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  2. Quovatis

    Please fix these SOE. So frustrating.
  3. =ADK= CanNerZ

    Am I the only one who get annoyed when my vehicle is getting hit by either a silent, or invisible projectile - or both. From lock on weapons and MANA turrets. They can fire and hit things out of my own render distance witch is the max.
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  4. Quovatis

    Shield walls not rendering at long distance and the ability to shoot through them at those distances is another big bug, but I see it was acknowledged and being worked on.
  5. Zitroxious

    i had the burster no damage bug again a few days ago, equally annoying
  6. MFP_TK_01

    The turret placement I haven't seen yet myself. The UBGL however I get often. If you have the issue where you can't switch directly back to main gun mode, swap to your pistol and then select the main gun.
  7. Xind

    MAX Deadzone, more problematic then all of those.
  8. Vandraad

    What I've noticed when riding in a tank as the gunner was that the build animation of the turret (where it flashes bright green for a second) is visible far beyond the standard render distance. If you see that flash, just drop a few rounds in that area.

    That said, I've made it a point of dropping AV Mana turrets specifically to draw enemy fire. They don't know if someone is there most of the time so while they waste time trying to kill the turret they aren't shooting at someone else. If the turret survives I'll sometimes go back to it and fire off a few rounds.
  9. TheBillOf3D

    I don't expect my tank to be able to fight everything that can shoot at it. I just move. Just like nothing else is able to fight everything that can shoot at it. My AV turret can't see and kill the sniper shooting at it nor the esf. My tank has similar rock, paper, scissors issues. That promotes teamwork when one vehicle or class can't rule the world.

    As for the bugged turret, you can switch classes and then back and it should be fixed.
  10. Quovatis

    This isn't a rock paper scissors issue. The AV turret can see a sniper (at least has the ability to do so, and the ability to kill it). You can certainly see the ESF shooting at your turret and even hit him if you are good enough. A tank can kill an ESF given the right conditions. The issue is you can be killed and take damage from something that you have zero chance of killing, let alone see. This isn't a balance issue, it's a game breaking bug.

    And to the other guy who said look for the green flash, it doesn't work. You may know where the turret is, but if it doesn't render, you can't do damage to it even if your rounds land right on top of it.

    And no, switching classes doesn't fix the bugged turret. The only "fix" I've found is that if you swap out the turret for the other kind of turret (AV or AI), you can use the other one just fine, but the bugged one doesn't work again until you restart the client.
  11. TheBillOf3D

    I use both the engineer class and tanks and just don't find AV to be that big of an issue. Certainly not since the tank buff. Maybe because I play the engineer often, I know where they must be.

    I've had that bug and it annoyed the crap out of me. I changed turrets and that did nothing. I then switched classes the switched back and it was working again. Haven't had that problem in awhile.
  12. Izriul

    It's not just the AV turret, had the same for strikers and fractures earlier.

    The more people in the zone, the less distance they render from it seems.

    and yeah, it should have been ******* fixed a long LONG time ago. You know SoE though...gotta roll out new weapons first!
  13. Halon

    Can I add tank rounds not doing damage? When ~2 hits don't register on most vehicles, it really shows poorly on the game.