Threat to SoE's Revenue Stream

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wylding, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. Calisai

    So much this. ^

    Add to this the inherent issues with Client-side hit detection, Lag, FPS issues, etc... and you have a lot of people thinking someone is hacking when it can be explained by the above. I'm not saying it doesn't happen... but really... strange $h!t happens in this game and the majority of it can be explained by any one of, if not a multiple combination of the above issues. People see strange stuff then instantly jump to the "Well... he must be hacking!... He couldn't possibly have done that!"

    You want to know what the biggest hack is? What will get you an advantage above and beyond most everything? A really good computer with solid FPS numbers even when participating in large-scale battles along with a nice internet connection with low latency and ping to SOE's servers.

    If you have poor FPS, poor ping, bad packet loss, inconsistent connection, etc... you will see thousands of "cheaters".

    Also, a little pro tech tip: ping to different locations around the world varies... you may just have a really good lucky ping to SOE's datacenters, or you could have an unlucky, crappy one... oh and it can change daily or be stable for years... its all dependent on the companies and traffic passing through the networks you are using at the time.
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  2. z1967

    i once got accused of hacking for killing a stalker infiltrator who charged me with only a Commisioner. Missed two shots and apparently they didn't understand how accurate the Trac-5 Burst is at close range.
  3. Plunutsud pls

    Hacking is the least of this game's problems.
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  4. Tuco

    cheaters gonna cheat
  5. libbmaster

    Well, G.O.A.T. nailed on the head this time.

    /thread folks.
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  6. Shatters

    And on what concrete information are you basing this conclusion? If you really think SOE is doing nothing about hackers (you should really get prof help if thats the case) then I dont know what to say anymore. There are barely any hackers in the game and those that are are getting banned within days. I really suggest you A: Go play another F2P FPS in order to get a thicker skin, or B: Stop playing FPS in general, because there will always be hackers.
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  7. libbmaster

    Well that's self explanatory: look at the lancer in the assist column.

    Vanu had an AA nest set up, and they got their timing right: looks like one fully charged lancer shot hit you, and then the annihilator smacked into you right after.
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  8. Simferion

    He's talking about the liberator and its excessive agility.
    I saw something similar some months ago in Woodman: a Scythe capable to yaw perfectly , making sudden turns, staying parallel to the floor.
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  9. Thurwell

    There was a funny post a while back by one of the devs. I don't have the link, but he said that as PS2's hacking detection has gotten better and the number of actual hackers has dropped, the number of reports from players accusing other players of hacking has remained the same.
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  10. Simferion

    In the while the bugs increased .... :rolleyes:
  11. Flapatax

    I've run into <10 obvious hackers in 1.5 years. If someone was using "subtle" hacks, it didn't affect me all that much.

    SOE bans a ridiculous amount of people. If they don't catch one or two custom-built hacks, I don't really care. The game breaking script kiddies get caught, which is all I really need.
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  12. Astriania

    SOE definitely has an anti-cheat system. That composite image of hacker tears from a hax forum has been posted before, and they talk about 'security patches'. And it seems to be a pretty good system, I've played for nearly a year and I've seen 3 definite hackers in that time. That's incredibly good for a F2P MMO.
  13. BiggggBRIM

    I've been very critical of SOE in the past, but I'll credit where credit is due: SOE doesn't f**** around with hackers and bans them with a vengeance. I honestly haven't seen a "hacker" in months. Some people exploit, yes, but active hackers? Not too many around these parts.
  14. libbmaster

    Skill and an upgraded chassis?

    I've seen aircraft of all sizes do that before. Are you sure that's what he's talking about?

    If that's people threshold for "hacking", then it explains a lot. Cause that's usual game play right there.
  15. Simferion

    He confirmed so...
    Sometimes it's an upgraded chassis, sometimes it's just too good. When I saw the scythes it was capable to instantly take 90° turns.
  16. Thurwell

    Could be a bit of lag, but the dog fighting airframe increases an ESF's yaw rate. It's something you rarely see pilots use since ESFs don't really need better yaw, but some do use it.

    Also as far as 'perfect yaw', whatever that means. I'm going to assume you mean he looked to have analog control of his yaw rate, and that's entirely possible. You can bind aircraft yaw to an analog control so you have fine control of it rather than all on or off. Also somewhat rare since the usual mouse/keyboard combination has no extra analog controls to bind things to. But it's a PC, people can use different input hardware than kb+m.
  17. libbmaster

    I can take 90 degree turns in the VR. Cut your speed, map the pitch controls to a mouse button, and have dogfighting airframe 3.

    Aircraft in PS2 (at least with some investment and practice) behave like UFOs. I've seen dozens of libs do what was done in that video, and never doubted it.

    Heck, people post montages of them doing maneuvers like that.
  18. Simferion

    Why are you talking about pitch? :)
    I'm talking about a perfect instant 90°turn: you are parallel to the ground, flying at maximum speed and you turn instantly to your left/right, just like you were moving into rails, no pitching at all.
    I have a bit of hours in the game and I have seen a lot of videos too. There's no possibility to do such kind of maneuvers.
    There's a reason why people use pitching to turn and Dogfighting airframe is considered a worthless frame ;)
  19. BULLET010

    I think the game has lost 'regulars' due to the game flow. People seemed to work together a lot more before. But now it feels more zergy zergy and with more people who prefer small squads. Also, I'm not a fan of the dual alert system; what it's turning into is two factions fighting eachother while the third faction ghost caps the alert on another continent. Idk. Starting to feel like any other shooter with respect to the fact that you can play the role of infantry, air, armor, and the fact that server can hold 2000 people.
    As for 'Hossin' and new vehicles like the Valkyrie they can be viewed as marketing tools to attract new players and bring back some of the old ones. But over time the population seems to be dwindling. And there's not to many more servers that can be merged. In fact I kind of cringe to think what the pop will be like at year end. Oh well, nothing lasts forever I guess.
  20. Fiver

    I can't actually recall the last time I saw something even remotely hackish.
    Battlefield 3/4 have some straight up OVERT not even hiding it hacking.
    PS2 Not so much.