Thoughts on the TR Kindred carbine...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wolfborne, Mar 20, 2019.

  1. Wolfborne

    First off, it looks just like the Jackal. It has better aim accuracy compared to the Jackal's hip fire accuracy. Secondly, don't let the listed 550 rpm fool you, because in the first 3/4 of a second burst fire, it shoots extremely fast and hyper accurate in short to medium range! After that initial burst, the cyclic rate drops down to the 550 rpm, so, use burst fire on head shots.

    Next, it has good velocity for its purpose, so, go ahead and slap on soft point ammo and extend that range out to 15m. Although it can't use a silencer, you can put an IRNV scope on it for those dark times on Hossin, or, if you lob smoke. Personally, I just like the red dot 1x scope, combined with flash suppressor and forward grip.

    Now for the drawback, although it is not with the weapon itself. It is the fact that if you are an ASP Engineer and spent a point to unlock assault rifles, such as the TR's TORQ, then the Kindred is going to piss you off because you basically wasted a point. Engineers can use carbines for free.

    That being said, I'd like to see DBG offer a one time refund on ASP points, since we have had time to experiment with them and know which ones are good, and which ones are garbage and might have been a waste of a point.
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  2. DonkeyX

    It's a nice gun for med range but not for CQB. Almost no recoil with the forward grip.