Thoughts on tanks and accidental teamkilling?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kodaa, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. Kodaa

    I've recently been spending a bit of time in the Magrider, and I've discovered that I'm quite prone to unintentionally flattening my teammates (and it's pretty ironic that I've found it difficult to roadkill enemies). I honestly do make a conscious effort to avoid it unless I'm in a real pickle and the only thing standing between my tank and cover is a fellow soldier, but I think that's understandable.

    The occasions vary as much as anything else. Sometimes I'll be in heated combat with enemy heavy assaults, but teammates will take no notice of my rapid left/right strafing and sprint directly into my path like the own the place. Sometimes I'll be following a friendly zerg and will happen just a bit too close to a friendly footsoldier that I honestly didn't see. Sometimes a friendly drop pod will land right in front of me, and I'll have teamkilled someone before I could even react. We've all seen these, and the list could go on forever.

    Personally, I think people should be more cautious around vehicles (especially Magriders, since they're pretty unpredictable). My guess is that the often suicidal behavior we all see is a result of our societal conditioning that is "pedestrians always have the right of way." People carelessly cross streets (whether they're in a crosswalk or not) assuming vehicles will slow or stop for them because who wants to go to jail for manslaughter, right? This obviously isn't the case in PS2, since a friendly roadkill has almost no negative impact on the offender.

    So what do you think? Should vehicle drivers be more careful, or do infantry soldiers need to watch their *****?
  2. Fortress

    Friendly collision damage should be removed because it's so unfun it hurts.
  3. LT_Latency

    It should knock them out of the way.

    Especially in the harrasser. In big battles sometimes you teammates don't render until you drove over 10 of them
  4. Kodaa

    I agree with both of you.

    Maybe, so that there's still some consequence for careless driving, collisions should still damage friendlies, but be unable to kill them.
  5. Psi


    More seriously, I feel so bad when it happens to the people that really didn't deserve it.

    But.. If you're an infantry, and you're running DOWN THE MIDDLE of THE ONLY ROAD... well, see above image.