Thoughts on NS SMG

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SoggyPoons, Jul 27, 2013.

  1. Imposer

    I like it, it feels good and gets the job done. Gives me that little extra bit of range that I need sometimes but at close range with ALS I can headshot them all the way or just shoot and knife. There could be a most powerful gun in the game but if it didn't feel right you probably wouldn't find me using it.
  2. ColdCheezePizza

    your doing infil wrong if your not getting the first shot, you cant expect to tank people at carbine range like the other classes and have the ability to cloak. Twitch caster Itz_Murda got the Auraxium medal for it within 24 hours of it being released, I saw a good chunk of that cast and saw him adapt his playstyle to the guns strength compared to his usual Blitz runs. Everyone complains when SOE releases OP weapons, just to buff them a short time later, but then are dissapointed when a new weapon is actually balanced.
  3. CaptainYamerica


    You buy it, week later it gets nerfed.
  4. SuBs

    My thoughts: This is the standard of texture work, reload animation and audio quality that the community should insist every weapon put into the game henceforth adheres to.

    The old stock weapons need bringing up to this standard, too.
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  5. Serell

    At first I though this weapon was ok, but the more I use it, the more it frustrates me. I get outgunned in every scenario. There is no situation I would ever want this gun for.
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  6. SgtScum

    I have a fully certed serpent carbine and sirius smg. The ns smg would not only be redundant but far less effective.

    It's good to be vanu I suppose. :)
  7. The King

    Well, the 1000 cert best BAR description said something like only a heavy using their shild can stop the one hit kill headshots... But nearly anything can stop it..

    I like this SMG a lot better than the serpent...The serpent misses a lot unless you're soooo close..
    A lot better than the sirius when the enemy is kinda far since this SMG is prolly the most accurate hipfiring weapon in the game with the advanced lasers.
  8. Morti

    I regret buying it. I bought it with some stock piled certs because it was shiny and new and magical.

    Already back using my Blitz.
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  9. Outlier

    There is absolutely no reason for any TR to use a SMG unless they are an Infiltrator, every other infantry class has better weapon options available. On Infiltrators the new NS SMG has it's niche, it's largely up to personal playstyle.
  10. Ruar

    I got it because it looks nice and I thought it would be good for the way I like to play. Sadly I was wrong because the magazine is just too small. When using this at longer ranges the number of misses against a moving target means there just aren't enough rounds to get a kill. Another 10rds and this SMG would probably be perfect, but currently it's just gathering dust.
  11. Ghostloadout

    I think the only thing it needs is a short reload speed buff in the area of 1.70s so it's more on par with 1st gen SMGs.
    Something that would also be nice is an accuracy buff to the gun, but I honestly don't think SOE will do that.
    I.E. .2/.2/.2/.2 ads acc
    1/1/1/1 hip acc
    There, now it's a cross between an SMG and a carbine with no movement penalties.

    Honestly though I love the gun and will report back my findings once I get auraxium with it.
    Right now in the 2 days I have had it, it seems that it requires a high-accuracy player, like myself, to reap the full benefits. People also overlook the audio of the weapon making it more stealthy when suppressed, as it is an all faction weapon, could be a friendly, could be an enemy.
  12. LowTechKiller

    It's an NS weapon. What else would you expect?
  13. hawken is better

    This thing needs to be bumped up to the 143-damage tier. Pretty much the only time you die to someone using it is when there are five other people shooting at you.
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  14. SgtScum

    Got laser sight? And if so, got palsy? :p
  15. Hobo Jack

    in my own tests the "beter damage at range" is not actually so. the soft point ammo does not extend its maximum damage range any further then not having it equiped. also aiming down the sights does not seem to reduce recoil or cone of fire at all so its best to go with the 4x sight on it.

    the no extra damage at range is a letdown because at 15m it is the same amount of bullets to kill as the blitz equiped with soft point and the bliz fires faster and has a bigger clip. the NS smg is darn acurate tho so if you could live with the smaller clip and really need acuracy then the ns is the only way to go.

    the only thing it needs is a 40 round clip and access to high velocity ammo, increase it's minimum damage by 10. and fix the soft point so it does maximum damage at 20m and it would be a solid gun becuase it would be the only smg with high velocity ammo and the only smg to do 120 damage at 20 meters.

    the NS smg with a silencer and high velocity rounds would be great for infiltrating because it would allow you to engage and have a distinct advantage if you could stay between 10-15 meters so you would be just outside of your opponents effective range but right inside your effective range and wih the acuracy of the ns smg if you can aim true then you would have 100 xp and take little to no damage.
  16. Sen7ryGun84

    I think it's pretty good. The fact that all its new purchasers are complaining it'sUP pretty much means SSOE nailed it on the first try. With regards to stopping power it doesn't bring anything new to the table we didn't already have but it's got that awesome Ns stability and demonic reload speed.

    It feels much more stable than my other SMGs (Hailstorm and Armistice) so I've done it up as a short/mid range carbine replacement for my infiltrator mainly. It's re centring speed is awesome too, it can really lay down accurate and consistent bursts at mid range for suppression purposes if needed (and you're standing on an ammo pack :p)
  17. Eclipson

    I've been using the NS SMG much more often lately, on all of my classes, and I have been absolutely loving it, simply due to its versatility. I never feel like I have the wrong weapon for the job, except for long ranges. Its my new favorite weapon. Took some getting used to, since you need to burst fire a lot, but now I love it. My recommended attachments: 3.4x scope, adv. Laser, soft point ammo, flash supressor. this makes it a very good all around weapon. The adv laser gives you the hipfire you need for the ranges that a 1x/2x would benefit you, and the 3.4x gives you the zoom you need for slightly longer ranges.
  18. Campagne

    Story of my life.
  19. IamDH

    Still working as intended
  20. maxkeiser

    I love this gun. It may not be the best or most powerful etc etc but, more importantly, it is great fun to use. It just feels good.

    I've had a lot of fun running it with a silencer for ultimate stealth. The sounds are great.