Thoughts about Underboss,Commissioner and Blackhand.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Ximaster, Aug 8, 2016.

  1. Ximaster

    The most powerful sidearms have no faction,and they are revolvers. The bad point is that cant be equipped with silencer. Featuring the most hard hits per shot,they shines in different situations.

    Underboss is the pocket revolver,have lowest recoil of the 3 and shoot and reaload faster than the other 2. However have the lowest damage per bullet of the 3.

    Commissioner is the star of revolvers,mostly players have this revolver,due a mix of hardhitting,reload time and recoil.

    Finally the Blackhand,its the pocket sniper,called by mostly players,have a x4 scope but have long reload times,low quantity of bullets on his chamber and high recoil. However can kill targets with 2 headshots,in any distance. Have same damage as Commissioner.

    Which one u choose???

    Personally i tested and liked A LOT the Blackhand. A tip can say with this weapon if u are stalking is that DONT ENTER TO BUILDINGS AND EVADE CQC. If u search targets,its much better in open battlefield,while ur perma stealth and the scope of this revolver makes u the perfect predator,however there is a counter with this,u need to kill stationary targets. If u are like me with good control of this revolver,then u can try to kill moving targets,usually 3 body shots to not heavy class kill the enemy player. Forgot to kill heavyes with overshield,its a waste of time and too risky,unless u have good aim and do headshots,but u need to be Lucky Luke to do those headshots,specially if the heavy is targeting u.
  2. kr47er

    can you explain to me what's the point of all this pistol posts?
    I dont see you suggesting any ideas or pointing any issues, then why the hell are you posting?
    to explain us how pistols work? thank god you did, I was totally unable to see pistol stats or to test them in-game.
    m8 we dont care about what's your favorite pistol or how you use it, just f*** off.

    btw, since I started posting here, I will throw my thoughts on blackhand:

    Allways wanted a default x1. iron sight like other revolvers have, and the option to upgrade to x1/x2/x4 sights to be optional.
    just immagine how cool it would look with that ugly scope removed.
  3. Eternaloptimist

    Blackhand - for long range shooting when I have a short range primary. I'm not good enough a shot to do well with slow firing revolvers at close range
  4. Ximaster

    First,show respect to al older player than u,im here since 2013 and u since 2015.

    Second,if u dont like my posts u have two options ignore me or dont reply to my posts.

    Third,maybe u are southamerican and that explains all,i dont need to say u anything more so **** and go home noob.
  5. Ximaster

    Have u read my tips with this pistol???? Its from a stalker perspective btw.
  6. kr47er

    That gives you the right to spam ******** posts? Also, you dont even know which are the equivalents on faction pistols.
    Oh and you dont even know how to change fire mode on since 2013?


    dont make me laugh if youre here since 2013 and you know this little about the game something is very wrong with you.
    ffs if you gonna make posts without sense at least do them right.

    I also can report you for spamming ******** posts

    Actually I'm spanish, just like you. Oh, wait something is telling me that you wont agree with this, right my independent fellow?

    Edit: also with this last arguement you shown how braindead you are.
  7. Eternaloptimist

    No, I don't remember seeing this - do you have a link?
  8. Ximaster

    Si tu eres de mi país deberías mostrar más simpatía,ah no,que soy independentista y eso ya no gusta verdad??? Podríamos hablar de política pero saldría cagado y no me vengas con el rollo de los Pujol porque ya huele y está muy visto. Por cierto que este desde el 2013 no significa que haya jugado 24 horas al día 365 días al año pero paso de explicarte nada porque a) no te importa b) no tengo ganas de explicarlo y c) soy independentista.

    Please english comrades avoid this conversation its nosemse and this subject is making offtopic.
  9. Ximaster

    Its just on the ending of the first post i maked.
  10. kr47er

    dios, que pelao muestro simpatia porque eres retrasdo. punto. tal y como demuestras cada vez que posteas.
    No te voy a venir con ningun rollo de política ni de pujol que ni se quien es, me la suda tres la politica, así como me suda tres lo que te de la gana ser o donde vivas.( aunque parece que para ti si importa donde vive una persona, con el comentario de si soy sudamericano, no se como tienes la poca decencia de llevar una estelada y luego ir soltando semejantes burradas. madura )
    Pero ya que estamos en el tema, para mi cualquiera que defienda un pedazo de tela tiene serios problemas, me da igual la bandera que sea.
    Y no se, ya que sacas el argumento de que por llevar aqui dos años deberia mostrarte respeto ( argumento bastante absurdo )
    Te podia sacar yo el mismo argumento diciendo que llevo en este planeta mas tiempo que tu. Porque si algo está claro aqui es que eres un puto crio. Y el punto c) sobre porque pasas de explicarme deja clara instancia de esto.
    En verdad espero por tu bien que lo seas sino el problema es bastante mayor.

    deja de postear basura cósmica.
  11. LaughingDead

    Tbh, I think the ES pistols should compete with the NS revolvers in terms of good finisher weapons.
  12. Ximaster

    Vete a chuparsela a un negro y no me toques mas los huevos,yo estaba haciendo mis posts y vienes tu con esos humos de viejo amargado a molestarme,sabes que??? Te voy a poner a mis ignores. Ademas si no sabes quien es Pujol esque vives en Saturno,creo que eres gilipollas y subnormal. Sobre madurar,perdona,pero esque tengo a mi novia aqui y no tengo tiempo que perder con viejos de mierda.

    Y para mi esta conversacion ha terminado,te pongas como te pongas o me digas las mil y una estupideces de viejo amargado. Pasalo bien chupandosela al negro,pero cuidado porque tu novio el moro del todo a 100 se puede poner celoso.

    Un saludo desde Catalunya (mejor que España en todos los aspectos,de ahi a que la estemos manteniendo)

    P D: Muerto el perro se acabo la rabia.
  13. kr47er

    ahahahaha que risa tía felisa.
    y aparte de insultar sabes hacer algo mas,como por ejemplo defender tus argumentos?
    ah no espera que estás con tu novia y noseque nosecuantos...algo me dice que esa novia tuya vive en tu imaginación.
    por cierto, das demasiados datos personales irrelevantes en internet, no te dijeron tus papás nada sobre no hacer tal cosa?
  14. Eternaloptimist

    Well, this is all a bit off topic but it has done wonders teaching me some good insults to add to the spanish vocabulary I'm learning.

    I read your tips Xim and they make a lot of sense. Unfortunately I'm not a good pistol shot so I need something that fires a bit faster than an NS revolver to land enough shots on a moving target.
  15. Ximaster

    Dont worry about learn insults in Spanish,there is no reason to insult anyone unless he is touching balls or the subject is being disturbed caused he is not the protagonist of the Infiltrator threads.

    The trick with revolvers like Blackhand is to aim right,but if u find the burst/auto pistols better then go with them. I didnt test the Emissary,i leaved the game when this pistol are in test server,but maybe is a better choice than Blackhand.
  16. Eternaloptimist

    It has great range and very little recoil but has a long TTK. I only carry one when I have a shotgun as primary weapon.