Thought X2 XP went until 9am....

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Your Future Ex, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Your Future Ex

    Servers went down at 8:30am? That's 30 minutes of awesome XP that we got jipped out of. If the weekend is going to run until 9am then run it until 9am. Kinda lame, but was a great weekend anyway!
  2. Stigma

    Well... I agree, although it seems like a small thing to make a serious complaint about.
    I for one appreciate the gesture to help make up for various technial problems we've had so far.

    Of course... I'm not naive - it was probably just as much (if not more) a strategy for making more new people join in and draw back people who haven't been too invested in the game up until now. It certainly seems to have worked too - because I've seen a ton of new and new'ish players online this weekend. The game really feels a lot more alive with good population available and it also seems to help mitigate the "one empire pr continent" syndrome because the continents were all close to maxed out pr empire.
