Those looking for Walmart SC Cards

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzWeaverPS2, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. BuzWeaverPS2

    After doing a little research it would appear you are able to order SC Cards online (Email Delivery):

    Best of luck to you guys I hope this helps. I went by my local Walmart yesterday and they had a lot of SC cards. I did consider getting additional cards to sell via PayPal, however its still a trust factor and I didn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable making the purchase.

    I hope this link will help you guys out:


    If you look below the $15.00 dollar price tag you can see just how think the cards were stacked. I only bought $45.00 dollars worth. Also, I believe there is a 50k SC limit.
  2. fastdak255

    online ecards do not give the bonus 500 SC.
  3. IronfistNC

    If that works it will be a big help for those of us in Europe :)

    Thanks man.
  4. BuzWeaverPS2

    Ahh, I didn't know that. Sorry.
  5. DLJord

    Awww :( I thought we'd finally found a way of getting the bonus sc.