Thisis for all the people saying the NC Max's range is crap

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Serafine, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. Serafine



    It's not.
    Actually the NC Max can shoot stuff at ranges only the VS Vortex and the Lancer can keep up to (but the Vortex/Lancer is a lot less effective vs infantry).
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  2. Phyr

    So all I have to do is spend 2000 certs/1400 sc for a gimped ability to hit targets further away then melee range.

    Seems legit.
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  3. hawken is better

    Very few people actually listen to the whiners that cry about the NC MAX's range. All of the top-tier skillsuit operators know all about easy cheese Ravens/slugs.

    - that moment when TARPMONSTER admits that the NC is full of crybaby liars.
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  4. Greenmachine

    I dont think people complain bout AV weapon range but rather the shotgun range...
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  5. Accuser

    Honestly, I've been wrecking people with slugs lately. They're obviously unpredictable at medium-long range... but I get more damage on target with them at all ranges than I ever could with my Mercy MAX. The nerf to all MAX AI weapon ranges was effectively a huge buff to NC slug ammo.
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  6. starlinvf

    Don't worry. I'm sure a slug nerf is already in the works.
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  7. HadesR

    Are you going to tell him or am I ?
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  8. Serafine

    You could still go for the 250 certs Falcon. Double Falcon one-hits infantry (it also two-hits MAXes and four-hits Lightnings in the front) and is very effective as long as you're not going into knifing range (but then, there is the MAX punch).
    Raven is the extreme range stuff and it is pretty effective at killing infantry at 250+ meters.
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  9. Epic High Five

    Man you didn't even choose the right weapon for the task at hand. Gotta peg them multiple times with Ravens and they get away.

    You gotta snipe with Falcons baby, ONE SHOT ONE KILL and it doesn't matter how slow they are because that infil is tunnel visioned like crazy and he ain't moving
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  10. Frosty The Pyro

    I have done that range with lockdown pounders. infiltrators are easy.
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  11. DashRendar

    That was the last dual-shot in the magazine. Ravens get 5 shots per mag times two arms which equals 10 shots. So all an NC MAX has to do is shoot 10 rockets to kill a single 900 health infiltrator and he achieves balance.

    Bro, I love the NC MAX and I don't think its range is crap by any stretch, but this thread sure is.
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  12. FieldMarshall

    Since when did people complain about NC MAX AV range?... Raven accuracy at range is only limited to the user.
  13. Frosty The Pyro

    and the fairly unpredictalbe recoil gods. sometimes your screen jumps around when fireing, sometimes it doesnt, with long range infantry targets it can make the difference between hits and misses.

    and they dont talk about AV, they talk about NC max AI (aka shotguns, shotguns and more shotguns), he is making the commet that if you want ranged AI for NC you take a AV max
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  14. Devrailis

    Ravens are not terribly effective compared to the NC MAXes other options.

    For long-range effectiveness, go Falcons. For your enemies, it'll be random one-shots that send them to the respawn screen out of nowhere all day long.

    For lulz and medium-range reach, go slugs. Flying LAs, Heavies at the end of the hallway, Engies behind their turrets, all free certs for the farming.

    It should be no secret that the NC MAX actually has plenty of range options. They're a little finicky at times but are quite effective once you get used to them.
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  15. Nephera

    I just..

    using the anti vehicle weapons at an anti infantry role should really not be an acceptable substitute.
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  16. MurderBunneh

    Only thing we lack is any way to have continuous/suppressive fire. I would GLADLY give up the shotgun exclusive if we could get some machine guns.

    NC AI max is a TR/VS AI max with half its effective range/ammo taken away.
  17. Xasapis

    And four times the close combat burst.
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  18. MGP

    Oh, you don't know what you're giving away, beleive me, you don't want that.
    And CQC damage multiplied 10x times.
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  19. huller

    Tripple actualy, but the NC will just flood this thread SCREAMING how unfair it is that they "only" get a 0.3 advantage in TTK up from exactly 0.0 seconds TTK. or in other words: instantgib isn't an advantage according to them. fact is, everything the NC has on the MAX instantgibs, but since the vast majority of them are terribads, they'll deny it to hell.
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  20. MurderBunneh

    How does .003 ttk advantage 4sec reloads and 10-12 rounds WITH extended mags equal 4 times the close range burst?

    Remember ttk advantage is for 5m and closer otherwise known as "slapping distance".
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