Fighting at Rime - n00b rolls by in a lighting on fire, you know he's going to bail - followed him, he jumps out, he's invis but running around in circles - not hard to see. Stabbed him (*really* bad knifing on my part, but I'm going to show the video anyway), and then he sends 'reporteD!!!!'. An entertaining (and somewhat embarrassing) conversation ensured, with many wild claims, but I won't post that bit since he asked me not to. I told him I had videoed the encounter, and he said 'I did too!!!', so I'm expecting another video of the incident to appear here in the forums (or not). In any case, here's how it went down: Just as an aside -- if you play a lot, my humble suggestion is to record *everything*. And go easy on this guy - I think he was just frustrated and snapped at the first guy to knife him.
Giving him the benefit of a doubt. We've all had a Bad Day™ now and then, and I *know* I've been less than pleasant to some folks before.
Best thing I ever did was installing shadowplay. /r Do you want to see how it happened? I'm recording. Silence....