This money grab action is outrages

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zealluck, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. blankfish

    I also am a bit annoyed about the new SMG, I play everyday, I'm onthe forums everyday and I also somehow missed the part about 2 types of SMGs coming along. Cant complain though still feel OP playing Infil/smg.

    and as extra:

    LMG = Light machine Gun, Full auto squad support weapon generally uses same ammo as assault rifles, in fact many LMGs are developed from assault rifles. One of the most famous = German MG34 - belt fed, a Mag fed example would be the US BAR and a modern NATO example that can take either belt or Mag is the FNminimi or SAW as the US version is called.

    SMG = Sub machine gun, fire small calibre ammunition such as 9mm
    HMG = Heavy machine guns are large calibre weapons such as 50 cal and noramll require multiple people
  2. Soylent

    If anything the 1st one should be buffed. But honestly there's not much they can do to buff it or else it'll be OP, increasing the default mag size to 35 (40 for TR) and total ammo to 210 (240 TR) would do the trick, as the adv. laser dot would be a viable option at that point.
  3. zib1911

  4. {joer

    Its still a money grab thing, especially being how the second SMG is closer to a better version of a CQC LMG.
  5. Harbinger

    Isn't all of Planetside 2 one giant money grab?
  6. Hodo

    I havent bought one, and I am doing quite well for myself. Since my new rig is up and running I am averaging a much better 1.5:1 K/D ratio using my Trac-5 AMC. And thats not even the best carbine the TR have.
  7. pnkdth

    And we have no one but ourselves to blame. We're letting this business model called F2P thrive. F2P is great from a business standpoint, terrible for "a regular" of the game. For someone that enjoys the game and want the full experience, so to speak, you will have to pay a lot more than you would in a subscription based game.

    Imagine how much better the balance would be if SOE, instead of having to progressively release more and more upgrades, they'd be able to focus on the content already in the game. There are tons of weapons in the game right now, many of which does not seem to have any real place anymore. CQC carbines is being choked by SMGs, "old" sniper rifles keep getting worse as new "sidegrades" are being released.

    As SOE cannot count of subs, they instead have to put focus into creating new abilities/weapons/cosmetics in which they'll charge us for. None of which adress core problems within the game, but that is F2P for you, great for the stockholders and not so great for those that actually play the game a lot.
  8. Jaloro

    Frankly I think all this whinging over the SMG's is laughable. They are clearly sidegrades but if your preference was for greater ammo capacity then you are obviously going to prefer the second. It doesn't make it objectively better though.

    However, it should be blindingly obvious to anyone with even a tiny brain that releasing these separately would always open SoE up to the accusation of a cash grab. Whoever thought releasing them like this was the way to go is either (a) stupid and didn't think, or (b) exploiting player stupidity and didn't care.

    Either way there is a lot of stupid floating around regarding this subject.
  9. Harbinger

    Mhm. It is a terrible decision for this type of game. I mean, people don't care about winning the war in PS2, they just want to farm certs to buy weapons and upgrades.
  10. Bruhja

    The SMG's are clearly broken, toe to toe with an infiltrator using my GD22s<-- BIGGER BULLETS as heavy assult meaning MORE ARMOR and i drop in mes than 1/4 of a second.

    SMG has a rediculusly low TTK compaired to a weapon using rounds 3x the size with 5x the charge behind it.