This is how the ES max abilities fit together

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by theholeyone, May 23, 2013.

  1. theholeyone

    NC maxes require acclimatisation to the outside world after living in the sheltered biolabs for so long. The NC science team has seen fit to give them the Aegis umbrella to protect them from the sun's harsh light. The light output from the ZOE module only compounds the problems for the NC maxes, and requires much Aegis filtering. They have worked a second purpose into the design, and it can absorb fire long enough for the NC maxes to find a nice hole to mitigate any agoraphobic fears.

    The TR's max ability has been designed to reflect their political approach; unmoving and steadfast in the face of dissent and opposition. The technical nature of this ability allows war resources to be expended extremely rapidly, and thus holding up the bureaucratic inefficiencies to keep their subordinates busy and compliant. With cover provided by massed rocket fire these maxes have no fear or unfamiliarity with the outside world.

    ZOE maxes meanwhile, are used to the varying light effects, both natural, and from substances such as VLSD. Because of the speed of the ZOE, its likeness to a jackrabbit on crack with a high voltage capacitor suppository, the Aegis sunglasses had to be made very large indeed. This speed increase was also required to avoid the colossal amounts of ammunition expended by the TR. Though ZOE was of course not driven purely by the need to surpass the enemy's technology, it offers utilitarian and logistical benefits in addition to the style upgrades or course. It is not enough to simply destroy our enemies, we must surprise them with an ominous pink glow.
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  2. theholeyone

    But on a more serious note, here is how they actually fit together:

    TR, most powerful in a head to head combat situation, until the ammo runs out.
    NC, most powerful in getting up into CQC situation, where the NC maxes excel.
    VS, most powerful at allowing the max to choose their combat situations, but it will prove a downside if you choose the wrong one.
  3. SiosDashcR

    TR, suppresses/defends a base. It's offensive when it suppresses but the lack of mobility can lead greatly to its downfall especially when there's a delay to get out of lock down mode, allowing for some good drop pods of C4s to smack the MAXes around. It's defensive ability is quite obvious - sit there until everything goes away.

    NC, more defensive than offensive. If played out as the Spartans did in 300, they would form a tight knit sewing circle and have Leonidas fly up from the center with his ScatMAXes.

    VS, more offensive than defensive (which is usually preferred in MAX combat for the average player). Great at taking down the other bases because of mobility that allows strafing left and right, able to quickly get out of the TR's limited arc (if it so manages) and get out of NC's lethal range.

    All in all, I prefer the VS module because of its offensive characteristic.
  4. gigastar

    Also it adds tracers on every bullet.

    While not noticeable on the AI guns, if you pull Bursters then everyone in a 500m radius is going to know exactly where to find you.

    Also pink aura. It stands out a bit.

    Not that i care, camoflauge is the colour of cowardice.
  5. ChaosReaperr

    Wait a sec... isn't your actual description all about ZOE being useful defensively?

    1) Strafing left to right... defensively dodge bullets, doesn't make you kill any faster and in fact probably makes you miss more often
    2) Get out of TR's limited arc... again a defense and retreat sort of ability... flanking is an option but that's an offensive after defensive move
    3) get out of NC's lethal range... yet again a defensive move

    I think what you said is accurate since it seemed you actually argued why it's mostly a defensive ability and not an offensive ability... you described all the reasons why VS want to be further away from the NC and TR and survive rather than rush in and kill faster. This mirrors how it became useful for me last night, mostly for adding mobility to tactically flank or defend points.
  6. SiosDashcR

    Offensive indicates being on the offensive, which VS MAXes with ZOE will do. Defensive play is when you're sitting at bay.. defending an area (limited mobility, etc).
  7. theholeyone

    Those aren't offensive characteristics, those are ways to chose your battles. The strafe-dodge is the only slightly offensive move there, and that's effectiveness is negated in most situations due to the increased damage taken.
  8. ChaosReaperr

    With that defined then you arguments seem to neutral out since all applications can be applied for both offensive and defensive actions in either offensive or defensive roles...

    For example... pushing with the max shield to close the distance to take a base... or getting to an offensive cap point by locking down outside of it and then moving it... etc.

    mobility is not the only way to act on offense.
  9. SiosDashcR

    It definitely isn't defensive in nature. You don't sit in a corner with a ZOE MAX, you go out and fight with it.

    I'm not talking about "defending" a base. I'm talking about the ability in nature - is offensive. It's used to ASSAULT. Not to suppress, not to block shots. Mobility has always been associated with offensive.

    Think of any Assassin class in an MMORPG. Just because it has high luck to avoid being hit, it doesn't make it a "defensive" class. It's meant for assault. It's basically the skill "Berserk" from WoW (correct me if I'm wrong). More speed, damage at the cost of reduced armor. You aren't suited for defending with reduced armor - You attack the enemies, which apparently through your perspective is "defending the base".
  10. theholeyone

    I didn't say it was defensive, merely that those were not offensive characteristics. And no, you don't go out and fight with it, you go out and use it to get to the fight.
  11. SiosDashcR

    Really? Not to go out and "fight" with it?

  12. ChaosReaperr

    Camping isn't the only way to defend, in fact in this game camping seems like the worst choice, as far as sitting in the corner style camping. Most defenses I've seen and been part of involve a lot of mobility... running to the points is a key part of defense, intercepting the attackers as they come in at differing locations etc. I found ZOE most useful in defense of a base, since rushing into the enemies territory with a 20% armor debuff really doesn't make it the best option in many situations.

    I think you are trying to simplify things way too much. Again ZOE can be effectively used to defend, arguably it makes a Max much better as a defender since it's mostly about survivability, strafing to take less damage, running away, etc...

    Paralleling an MMORPG to an MMOFPS is a bit of an apples to oranges... but an Assassin being mobile doesn't make them offensive in nature. Mobility can be a key defensive or support feature, such as tanks being able to move to defend people fast enough to help them, to avoid getting damage. In fact in MMORPGs there are sometimes dodge based tank or tank builds that's all about being agile and mobile... but again apples to oranges.

    You aren't suited for a direct confrontation... but defense with proper tactics can be much more clever. For example any infantry wouldn't rush straight into any undamaged max, they would use their mobility to help them defend, just the same here... and I'd like to see anyone defend a base without attacking enemies.
  13. ChaosReaperr

    That video is of an early test build case of ZOE, this is not in fact the ZOE that went live, this doesn't make any argument for you other than to ignore you.
  14. theholeyone

    See how it is being used to get from one fight to next, or chose to break off from the current fight. If its a head on fight, you're either going to want to turn ZOE off, or use it to get out of there.
  15. SiosDashcR

    Offensive in nature means to take the ASSAULTIVE role. You will go out there and fight the enemies because you can't sit at bay and kill them from the "defensive" role.

    Lockdown requires the TR MAX to take down the defensive role (or suppression role) by limiting mobility and staying in place. They can't just run out there, deploy instantly and undeploy as they feel like.

    Aegis Shield is a shield. Must I say more? Yes, you can use it to enhance your offensive role but you're mainly a defensive component. You're not going to be running left, right and center smacking enemies up.
  16. theholeyone

    By that definition they're all offensive. You can use the sheild to push forward with cover during an assault. You can use lockdown to clear out enemies from an arc of fire during an assault. You can use ZOE to dart around the flanks and kill things during an assault.
  17. SiosDashcR

    I'm done replying to this thread.
  18. ChaosReaperr

    You are still simplifying things, just because you narrow down your term use to those specific things to support this argument doesn't mean I or others do...

    You can use all abilities to assault and defend... again from my own experience ZOE is much better in a defensive role since mobility is best used for defense, just my own opinion. The damage increase is very minor and the minor defense debuffs suggest I shouldn't "Assault" even in your narrow use of the term... I should hold back and use my mobility in a defensive way to succeed at a goal.

    A shield on the other hand seems to be entirely based on assaulting... at least a primary purpose, you wouldn't need a shield if you werent in fact engaging the enemy.

    Lockdown is definitely a little more on the defensive side, but again you can assault with stationary tactics quite effectively and this game involves them so depending on how you are using terms this gets kind of pointless.