This is getting ridiculous now.. VS ZOE Max needs a COOL-DOWN!

Discussion in 'MAX' started by J.C Simonetti, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. J.C Simonetti

    It's ridiculous how two VS ZOE Max can control a whole facility on their own. Its getting out of hand! You cant C4 them because they are just moving way too fast. Takes way too many tries!

    At this point, It's just really dumb and the Devs who decided NOT to give it a cool-down need to get slapped!

    Buff TR and NC Max or nerf the VS Max!
  2. Phrygen

    Zoe maxes really aren't that much of a problem anymore imho.
  3. Van Dax

    I'd rather my whole max not be nerfed because of an ability I never use thanks.
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  4. deggy

    Two ZOE Maxes can't control a facility on their own unless there's only one enemy at the facility...

    It's not that hard to kill them. It is a MAX, after all, it's supposed to be a little better than your average infantry.
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  5. J.C Simonetti

    Apparently you missed the part where I said VS ZOE moves way too fast.

    And of course not, otherwise, how would the points be capped? There were 2 Engineers doing nothing but repairing the Maxs and 1 Infiltrator capping points. There were about 10+ of us.

    VS ZOE is OP and it needs a nerf! And its clearly a problem. Ask around other than your own!
  6. Messaiga

    Damnit People! I have obviously not made this clear in other threads, so time to be extremely blunt since some people just can't get this through their heads.

    Thank you, have a nice day.
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  7. J.C Simonetti

    Wait, so are you saying that the Offensive Ability the VS MAX has is not OP against the Defensive Ability TR and NC have?

    Ok, buddy. It's not OP at all! NO WAY.

    The MAX Class is suppose to be Slow and Dangerous not Super Fast and Dangerous. Makes it really hard for infantry to out maneuver VS ZOE Maxes.

    But then again, it's not OP according to you.
  8. Messaiga

    Well basically, what I am saying is that ZOE is working as intended. It makes the Max somewhat fast, increases damage output a little bit (It could be removed since VS is about mobility, not extra DPS, but then nothing would scale with the level of ZOE) but it makes the Max take 30% more damage, that is much more than without ZOE on and is the core balancing point of ZOE.

    Still, the reason it is OP against the Defense Abilities of the TR and NC Max is because Lockdown and the Aegis Shield do not really defend very well, hell I still see bullets and splash damage going through the Aegis Shield and a Lockdown Max is easy as hell to flank and place a C4.

    They could easily lower the time it takes to deploy a TR Max, maybe even make it lower the COF by a certain amount, and then just give the TR Max the ability to look in 360 degrees with Lockdown on, which allows you to defend yourself if you get flanked and much like the Prowler you could easily use it in an engagement.

    As for the NC Max, there are a TON of things that could be done to fix it, too many for me to count. Still right now what I can say is that ZOE is in an almost perfect spot right now as far as balance goes. VS is probably the faction that is the most balanced in comparison to NC and TR at the moment.
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  9. Nepau

    no offence here but what it sounds like was those 5 vs were acting together to attack this base. Now where the 10 guys on your end working to support one another like those VS where or where they doing the general 1 man army running? I find it hard to believe that you couldn't take down even 1 max if all 10 of you were attacking at once.
  10. Shiaari

    Relevant fact highlighted in red. Nothing to see here folks, just some scrubs complaining about teamwork.
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  11. FrontTowardEnemy

    Sounds to me like someone's mad that their universal answer to every problem doesn't work 100% of the time.

    You're problem is that you're doing it wrong. You're trying to drop C4 ON the MAX while still engaged with it. Clearly you're Light Assault (because for some reason LA players are the whiniest b*tches in the game hands down). With all that increased mobility and speed (I play LA quite a bit, it's so ridiculously flexible with the jetpack) why don't you drop C4 at a corner and sucker the MAX into following you to complete the kill and then BOOM, no more MAX.

    But, since you didn't happen upon this very simple and basic idea already, I don't think there's much chance of you being able to properly plan and execute such a tactic anyway as it requires thinking that's more complex than poop C4, press butan, receive certs.
  12. FrontTowardEnemy

    Also, this. LOL.
  13. Morchal-Safie

    Lol, it already has been. VS max was just so much better before the ZOE nerf wave.
  14. Van Dax

    Im not really sure what you're saying here, I'm just saying the nerf VS max talk is ridiculous sure adjust the ability but the max itself is totally balanced pretty much functionally identical to the TR max.
  15. Morchal-Safie

    I'm saying the entire VS max already has been nerfed because of ZOE.
  16. Van Dax

    Are you saying that activating ZOE is a nerf in and of itself or that they actually lowered its stats, while I don't like or use ZOE I don't believe either to be true.
  17. Adept

    I'm playing a lot as VS lately and ZOE is godly even at level 1. Primarily 'cos I'm using it for it's mobility boost and turn it off in non-ambush fights. You can flank with it very well, retreat and attack from a different direction. I've got more kills in one go with it then with any other max.
    Funny thing is, that with team work ZOE max can be killed when it uses such hit&run tactics with the help of the all mighty recon dart.
    In larger fights this advantage melts away tho, since focus at mobility isn't that important - tho it's still good.

    Is ZOE an OP ability? Well just imagine NC or TR max with it. Would any VS player want confronting a max like that?
    Aaanyway.. they are not totally impossible to kill, but I agree that it's true that you need more team work against ZOE maxes.
    Incidentally concussion grenade still works. It's extremely funny seeing them sprint at walls.
  18. Village

    Shoot rocket at ZOE MAX, hit it once, shoot with a clip of a carbine and win. Concussion to make it easlier if you can't aim. The extra damage they take is pretty extreme. I never use it in combat because you die so fast, i just use it for mobility.
  19. Posse

    Teamwork is OP against scrubs, deal with it or learn to play.
  20. SharkBaitC22

    Hats off to you for using Teamwork. But understand that using 2 engineers repairing the MAX = work around to the extra damage the ZOE takes which removes the only downside to ZOE. The offensive capability of the ZOE is still unmatched. Extra damage, and speed are still what people are complaining about.

    you say "Use teamwork yourself, take out the engineers, then take out the ZOE" Which is a valid counter argument. which takes coordination, which generally requires outfit level squads. So now were at the point that an outfit squad has to focus efforts to remove 1 player( assisted by 2 others engineers). in an average battle, with standard squads(non outfit) a ZOE with 2 engineers becomes a rather daunting task to kill.

    In my opinion, ZOE in itself should be a power draining ability that needs to re-charge. I think this would still give it effectiveness, but would force it to pull back to recharge or suffer the same fate as standard maxes.

    People will always find the best thing to kill people and then exploit it to the best of their abilities. This isn't a shot against anyone, its just the nature of these types of games.
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