[BUG] This is bothering me.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rogueghost, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. Rogueghost

    The sight isn't visible unless ADSing, I assume its because the site can't be centered if its a physical part of the scope. No less annoying.
  2. Yuukikun

    I can easily see SOE making a future patch which will bug/break it and the dot will become permanently unrendered.
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  3. Tommyp2006

    I fail to see the issue. You aren't looking down the barrel of the gun, therefore you can't see anything from the reflex sight.
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  4. Eddy

    Have you ever even seen a real reflex sight?

    You can only see them when looking through the scope, forward.
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  5. Alkezo

    I don't think that's really the point. I think he's referring to the fact that you could see them before the sight changes.
  6. Eddy

    That's because before the sight changes, they were actual 3d objects, and that was making them inaccurate as hell.
    The ones we have now are realistic. You are not supposed to see them when not looking directly through them.
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  7. FateJH

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  8. Alkezo

    Too bad the sights don't actually act like a holosight. I've used them before and the sights in PS2 do not operate like real ones. So much for "more realistic."
  9. NightEngine

    The sights in this game have never behaved like real world holographics so I'm not sure why you're using that as an explanation.

    The VS reflex sights don't even have the housings that are required for modern reflex sights to function.
  10. ColonelChingles

    Except after the recent pumpkin patch, they do. :p

    Before they were included with the gun model, which meant that if the gun model moved then they moved. This is why you could see them before. This is how modern cheapo airsoft red dot sights work.

    Now they are independent of the gun model, which means they will still point to wherever your gun is pointing no matter what animations the gun model is doing. This is how expensive red dot sights like an EoTech work.

    The fact that you can't see them when not looking through your sights is a quality upgrade if anything.

    They do now. And that's a good thing, because now they're actually useful. It's why before everyone would use IRNV, because those sights actually worked! In fact IRNV worked so well that the Devs added scope sway to them.
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  11. Hatesphere

    its not the housing that makes the sight work, its the arrangement of reflectors in the housing. its like 800 years in the future, maybe vanu can reflect light in a different manner, or achieve the same effect another way
  12. NightEngine

    There's a hole in your logic. Real world holographic sights point wherever the optic is pointing, not the firearm, even though they're attached to the weapon. They're still a separate mechanism. In effect the way they worked before this update was the right way.

    There's no such thing as a perfectly accurate sight.

    From a game balance perspective it's better now because they're more accurate. But don't bring reality or 'supposed to' into this debate when it has no place.

    I know how it works but there's no need to split hairs to that degree, we just end up coming to the same conclusions. Extrapolation doesn't support the realism argument, however.
  13. Hatesphere

    no, it wasn't working the right way before, because it was acting like a dot painted onto glass, now the sight always points to its "zero" the center of your screen, just like a real holo or reflex sight.
  14. NightEngine

    Actually, it doesn't work that way in game now at all, but you're free to continue thinking that it does.
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  15. ColonelChingles

    What does that have to do with anything?

    When you are not in ADS and are hipfiring, your firearm is still pointing at the rough center of the screen, where your HUD crosshairs are. Hence the red dot is also pointing in that direction. But because your eye is not lined up with the red dot in your optic, you can't see the red dot.

    That's exactly how real life red dots work too. If your eye/face is not within a certain alignment with the optic, you won't see a dot at all. Just an empty window.

    I mean I just tried it out to confirm on the red dot on my shotgun, and yea no dot is visible. If I move my cheek so much as an inch and a half off of cheekweld, then the dot disappears. As I lower my weapon (keeping the point of aim the best I can) and my eye moves to the upper left relative to the optic, the red dot also moves to the upper left of the optic window until it disappears from sight.

    If I am holding my shotgun at a "hipfire" position (about halfway down my chest), no red dot is visible at all. In fact it completely disappeared even before I lowered my shotgun below my neck.

    I mean the red dot is still there... if you had a second person who kept in alignment with the optic they'd still see the red dot. It's just that I can no longer see it because my eye is out of alignment with the optic.

    So... I have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.
  16. Eddy

    ITT: Children that have never held or used a firearm in their lives talking about how real holographic sights work and how the ones in PS 2 are not "realistic".

  17. Rogueghost

    Perhaps I shouldn't have tagged this as a bug, but knowing SOEs track record it wasn't intentional.

    After almost two years I'm just used to how reflex sights in this game used to function, realistic or not, and the change is bothering me.
  18. Aaren

    I liked the change .-.

    Now I don't have to try and aim to some invisible point on my enemy while my reticle vibrates crazily around from recoil and strafe animations.