Third person on tanks op or not?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ghosy01, May 15, 2013.

  1. Captain Kid

    I think this sums up driving my Lightning (don't use crappy hovercraft uncontrollable Magrider) nicely. Well done sir.
    Either use cover behind rocks or use it as artillery.
  2. DCTH

    Magrider has a mayor disadvantage: While all turret-based tanks get essentially a free-look, Magrider has to turn the whole tank around to see the way he was coming from.

    So give either Magrider a free-look like in ESFs (would let them be still at a slight disadvantage since you can't steer anymore while in free-look) or slow-down the turret-rotation-speed on the other tanks and fix the 3rd-person camera to the turret (like it is fixed to the magrider-chassis).

    I think this would be reasonable.
  3. Holomang

    Can't remember the last time I peeked around a corner in my ESF.

    Maybe you could post a video?
  4. Ripster

    Ha ha, not only that, but infantry are much smaller. Their front half sticking out isn't really going to happen because their view is so close to the edge of the corner.
  5. Phrygen


    Edit: and there is no way they are going to change this, so it doesn't matter.
  6. Vorxil

    People have trouble driving in first person? Are we playing the same game or what?
  7. DonC

    Haha, third person always gives you an advantage.

    Buff vehicle armors before you remove third person though.
  8. hansgrosse

    I would support first-person only, BUT if they do this I want two things:

    1) The ability to look around independent of the orientation of your turret, World of Tanks-style (would especially help Magriders). Hell, it'd give that tertiary fire button a use!

    2) TrackIR support.

    I might actually get into flying ESF's with TrackIR support...
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