Things i notice as connery Nc

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VSSSSSSSSFTW, Oct 26, 2013.


    -They hate taking point.:mad:
    -They love camping in spawn room even with 50% population advantage.:confused:
    -They love camping in tanks and as snipers.:rolleyes:
    -They simply take the point closer to their tanks and sunder and ignore the rest of the points.:rolleyes:
    -Really~~~~~~~love camping around point if there is a hill next to it....but none on point.:(
    -Complaining about 1 zoe max that camp the point with some infantry even though there are only 1-2 nc attacking the point most of the time.o_O

    They can drag the battle for 1 hour even with 55%-60% advantage due to the points above.:)
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  2. EazyDuzIt

    What I noticed about this post:

    -It makes no sense.
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  3. Phyr

    TR and VS do the exact same thing. Connery NC lacks leadership or is just pants on head stupid.

    Right now they rather zerg at some point and keep losing with 60% advantage then taking back bio lab for the resource :rolleyes: With around 15 infantry resource per the hell are they going to spawn buster max or spam grenades to clear room :eek:
  5. umbrellapower

    Things i notice on connery (all factions):

    -lots of zoe maxes :oops:
    -lots of HE prowlwerz :eek:
    -lot sof ppl not taking the point :p
    -lots of harassers running ppl over :mad:
    -lots of VS during alert fight (near 50 percent) but sitll win due to massive skill (get gud NC TR) :confused:
    -reallllyyy~~~~ love using rocket luanchers as shotgunz in tower fight so fahnny :D
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  6. AnnPerkins

    NC can't organize a max crash to save their lives. Doesn't help that FRCW just sits there waiting for someone to attack biolabs so they can spam their fully certed maxes.
  7. HadesR

  8. Benton!

    Maybe....primetime pop could tell a story....?


    This is just sad.
  9. Enter Name Here

    That population change is a recent one since the VS started winning the WDS, and even then it's not usually that bad. I've always had the hardest time convincing myself to play NC on Connery not because I feel weak or outmatched but because of how my teammates are playing. It's exaggerated in the OP but it's not really wrong in my experience either. Nc also seems to love zergs a bit more, lose smaller fights much more often because even with a pop advantage on the continent, not many people show up so you're outnumbered in the fight. I've also noticed that they love crowding small rooms making it dang near impossible to stop that enemy from running in and c4ing or personnel mining everyone since no-one has a clear line of fire.

    Obviously this happens with all factions to some degree, but playing all 3 as I do, I notice it more frequently when playing NC. Just my experience.
  10. Baconite

    I guess it's easier to cry about it than try to get better.

    And if you were to challenge people to just try to get a little better in game the excuses would rain down. "It's just a game!" "It doesn't matter what I do, I can't compete against the other empires!" "Future Crew is literally all of Connery VS!" "I can't be bothered to join a platoon of like-minded individuals who want to MAX crash and we all get our MAX suits! This game asks too much of me!"
  11. 2Slow2Calm

    I would like a mod to confirm or deny my belief that BigDeezMac, Thuggernauttt, and the OP VSSSSSSSSFTW are the same person or posting from the same IP.
  12. Jalek

    NC MAX crash.. like a lemming run? Stay at 20m and just mow down the blueberries.
  13. RobotNinja

    Oh boy, another "I played NC for five minutes now I iz experts. Dey iz OP, ur need to L2P." thread.

    This coming from VS who stacked 46% pop during a primetime alert last night and then proceeded to spawncamp warpgates. I also love how this "seasoned" player forgets that the VS on Connery do THE EXACT SAME STUFF.

    Oh and "complaining about 1 zoe max"? Lol, right..."one." That's a laugh. More like...squads...platoons?

    Just like this one, where this guy similarly lectured "all the NC" about how terrible they were and how great he did in only 4 hours playtime. What he didn't mention was he did so "great" he had an abysmally negative KDR. You can debate about KDR not mattering if you like, but if you're gonna tell people to "L2P" yours probably should at least be positive.
  14. Bill Hicks

    I am Connery NC and I agree with every point you made and probably could add some.
  15. Necron

    In all honesty I think most NC on Connery have given up on ever being truly competitive and are just in it for the kills now. If you know going in that you are not going to win an alert, why both trying. It's a self fulfilling prophecy: we think we can't win, so we don't try, so we don't win so we think we can't win.
  16. RobotNinja

    The VS gets double pop for every alert now ever since the devs gave the top warpgate to the NC for half a minute and then said, "Ah...! Just kidding!" and then gave it to the VS since.

    It's funny listening to these guys in-game too complain in yell if one of them dies while they have nearly 50% server pop, have literally an entire platoon of ZOEs camped around a small outpost and going on about how unfair everything is, how they're underpop, UP and so on...yes...they're still complaining.
  17. Owleyes

    When NC aren't crying about how underpowered they are, They do very well.

    I just spent half the day fighting NC around Dahaka and population was pretty much even and NC performed great, Destroying multiple VS zergs.

    Strait Up, All the NC on Connery needs is more teamwork.
  18. HadesR

    Pfft .. There never is just " ONE " ZOE Max ..

    They swarm like flies around **** :)
  19. Baconite

    There's never that many. Usually about 5. They just move so fast you think you're looking at different ones every time you blink.

    It was 1 max and a few infantry as i was the foolish nc that kept attacking the point,hoping that nc stop camping with tanks and snipers above the point.:mad:Sometimes i even notice zerg on area which isn't even connected...while the connected point is less 350-500m away:rolleyes: