They've summoned the tailor...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shiaari, Apr 14, 2016.

  1. Shiaari

    This week we learned that the Emperor wasn't really wearing invisible clothes, he was just naked.

    It seems they've summoned the tailor to cover him up.

    Thank you for acting this so quickly, DBG.
  2. Shiaari

    Nope. Not fixed.

  4. FateJH

    Isn't "They summoned a tailor" a reference to something in its own right? It sounds familiar but I can't place it.
  5. Shiaari

    Its from an old fable called The Emperor's New Clothes, a cautionary tale on the sins of vanity and hubris.

    The Emperor wanted to do something totally new to show his people how awesome he is. He goes to a famed tailor who claims to weave a silk so fine it's completely invisible. Obviously, the tailor is peddling fiction. Unfortunately for the Emperor he doesn't realize this--because he's an idiot--and he orders the tailor to weave a magnificent gown from this invisible silk.

    One day the tailor informs the Emperor that the gown is complete, and to commemorate this the Emperor puts it on and goes on a parade through the city. His people jeer and boo at him, and he assumes this is a sign of endearment. Finally, someone simply shouts: "The Emperor is naked!" Only then does he realize he's been played for a fool.

    He goes to execute the tailor, but the tailor goes before the Emperor's court and points out the Emperor's vanity has made him unfit to rule the city. The Emperor is deposed. And everyone lives happily ever after.

    The moral of the story is that just as the Emperor allowed himself to be made a fool of, Daybreak allowed themselves to made fools of by leaving these extremely important bits of code out in the open for anyone to tinker with without them knowing. PlanetSide 2 is the only game I know of that doesn't verify file integrity before starting. If it did, then changes to these files would throw up red flags.

    And yes, I'd totally be willing to sit and wait for that verification before playing.
  6. FateJH

    Thank you, but I know my Hans Christian Anderson. What I was thinking was probably something more modern.
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  7. Gundem

    I assumed the party being referred to as "The Emperor" were actually the presumed super-MLG pro who just used hacks to make themselves appear better, but now they've been possibly shown to have never been wearing anything in the first place?

    I dunno, just my interpretation I guess.