TheYamiks: Thoughts on Balance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Daigons, Feb 17, 2017.

  1. stalkish

    Not sure we were about talking about the same thing, i was referring the the specific description of 'taking a vehicle to the front is a waste of time'.
    It doesnt have to be waste of time if people are willing to do more than just aim their rifle. Seems to me most players on this game are stuck in their 'safe space', they stick to what they know, infantry shooting and grenades. Nothing wrong with that, but the game should not be catering to this playstyle if it wants to call itself combined arms, or even open world, as in those two types of games there is a hell of a lot more to do than shoot a rifle / automatic / pistol. Heck theres been a lot of moaning about the rocket launchers, or MAXs, or AI mines, or spitfires, this too is because it messes with the safe space players have built for themselves behind a gun.
    ^thats the point i was making.

    To address some of your points, a minute isnt a long amount of time, sure its not fitting for this fast paced game to wait 1 minute for spawning, so i wouldnt suggest that long for planetside 2, but the fact that players would leave / quit a game over a 1 minute spawn does reinforce how short the attention spans of gamers are these days, its a shame really.

    When im 'defending a sundy' im in a vehicle, usualy in a squad with liberator backup on call. So if i see an enemy MBT i intercept it, hopefully before it can kill the sundy. I appreciate what you're saying, but sitting in the gun seat of a sundy is not a good way of defending your spawn point, much better to park it in a garage and prevent enemies from getting to it or an angle on it. As some1 above said, mines, spits, motion spotters, whatever youve got you lay down around the sundy if you're trying to defend it.

    I agree, players do not fall back, they spawn camp. This is something that the devs were warned about when they first mentioned spawn shields. They were told over and over that it will not help defenders all that much, and tbh it doesnt. The only time it helps is when a massive platoon all redeploy to their SLs already inside said spawns, but even then only if the new pop outweighs the old.
    Id much rather the PS1 mechanic of destroying spawn tubes, but im not sure the bases are designed well enough to enable that.
    Bases are far too close together on Indar, a lot of esamir is not too bad, as is Amerish. Hossin is a cramped mess, no space to do anything. Need more open space tho defo not enough flat ground on game imo.
  2. adamts01

    You have some valid points. I especially like incentivising vehicles to prioritize vehicles. It's funny you bring up EVE though. I actually think this game has a very high ttk compared to most shooters. The only exceptions are tank shells and sniper shots to the head, but yeah, those are tank shells and well placed rounds from a bolt action, you'll find that anywhere. EVE is awesome, not my cup of tea, but it's a great game. Although it has a decently long ttk, it's got the shortest ttyf (time till you're ******) out of any game I've ever seen. Combat is mostly warping, warping, warping, warping, warping..... "There's a target"..... now you have .25 seconds to make a decision and click a button that will either bring you victory, or **** you without any chance of escape. If you're a 1/4 second too slow clicking warp, you're ******. High ttk, insanely low ttyf. I'm still hoping Star Citizen works out, a first person EVE would be about all I could ask for. Till then, it's Arma for me.
  3. stalkish

    FFS how many times do i have to say this.


    Why do you keep saying wed be travelling twiddling thumbs, thats not the case. Not sure how that is hard to understand, would you just drive past enemies then in the hopes you get to use your gun at the other end? Grow a pair, grab a vehicle, fight other vehicles between bases, STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. You might even find you enjoy it, maybe just maybe...........
  4. adamts01

    That does sound like fun. Completely non-existent on my server kind of fun. I think Connery might be the main reason I hate this game so much.

    No one wants to get rid of it, just tone it down, and give transportation vehicles more of a role.
  5. BrbImAFK

    I already replied to your previous (largely-identical) whine-post, and you clearly haven't bothered to read any of it, since you reraise the same issues here that I've already dismissed.

    There is nothing wrong with OHK's. Most of them require skill to obtain, and many of them can be mitigated by not making the mistakes that allow them to happen in the first place.

    This only demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of anything that's going on. Clearly neither she, nor you, have spent the time to learn anything about Planetside 2, or you wouldn't be making these false, ignorant statements.

    I've played Eve. A lot. And did TONS of PvP, and this statement is a straight up lie. Sure, most kills take longer to execute, but in the vast majority of cases, the winner has already won at the point the first shot is fired. It's just a matter of time. In addition, you're clearly talking about very small-scale PvP here. 1v1s and the like. Because fleet battles are nothing like this. In large fleet battles, if you ignore TiDi, most of the time if you get redboxed you're gonna die nearly instantly unless you're REALLY tanky and you've got ALL the reps. And if that's true, the enemy FC is a moron. So don't try that BS here - lots of us know better.

    As I said before, and you ignored, this is complete BS. The majority of snipers in PS2 can't reliably hit a moving target. If you're standing still, it's YOUR fault. If they DO headshot you while you're running around, they're a skilled player, and you said you had no problem with that. As for tanks, if you're out in the open field challenging them as infantry, you're kinda silly. If you're in a base, the vast majority if the time, simply taking the right travel routes will mean they can never get a shot on you. So once again, if you die, it's your fault.

    They do. The average infantry kill is worth around 100 XP base. The average tank or aircraft kill can be anywhere between 750-1,500 XP. What's the problem?

    Rubbish. Unless the sniper way outskills you, going up against a sniper at medium range with an automatic weapon almost certainly means you'll win. Stealth and surprise are their only advantages. And if there's two of you, even if he gets you, your mate will almost certainly get him, stealth or no stealth. It's a high-risk, high-reward playstyle that requires a TON of FPS-type skills to pull off successfully.

    This whole section betrays such a poor understanding of the game overall that I'm not even going to take it seriously. To point at just one thing : even with a full shield, an HA can survive only like 9-10 medium (143) damage bullets. Less, if you're getting headshots. Even less if you've got a higher damage weapon. If you can't kill a dude with one mag, you're doing something horribly, horribly wrong.
  6. ModsFreeAreForTV

    Nah. The point of the game is to kill players right? Why would I step out of my comfort zone? What's the motivation? If I can Zerg people at bases and not travel all the time why would I want to change tha? I like this games instant action. It's like a shooter with thousands of players but you never gotta look at the loading screen too long for new maps. It just changes maps (as in when the Zerg hits a new base). The way it is now isn't perfect but it's surely better than fighting in big *** fields like its some world of tanks knockoff.
    • Up x 1
  7. JonnyBlue


    I'm sorry you feel that way about my post as I stated it was my view only as far as I can make out most people play this game for fun and your right I cant kill a dude with 1 mag as I tend to panic I'm not skilled but I enjoy the game therefore I see it from a different perspective than yourself .

    You say avoiding tanks and headshots can be avoidable yet my medic tool disagrees with you , you also state the best way to avoid tanks is not being near them , that I can agree on but sometimes it does not work like that in a fight.

    Why is it BS when I mention Eve ? The fact is there are no instant kills what's BS about that and yes pvp is on a smaller scale but if there pvp can survive 12 yrs and retain high numbers of players there doing something right?.

    "This whole section betrays such a poor understanding of the game overall that I'm not even going to take it seriously" Is that really how you think ? , Because someone isn't as good as you at the game there just plain wrong and are not allowed to have a viewpoint? This is a game not a job!.

    To be fair I'm a newer player and not a very good one but you have to look a newer players points of view as they give a fresh perspective on the game rather than a guy who has been playing since beta , I take lots of advice from vets who have been very helpful and understanding.

    In a nutshell I would love to see ps2 grow and survive like you so stop being so salty and take a chill pill and understand people have different viewpoints than yourself .
  8. adamts01

    I don't know how I missed this gem the first read through. Really think about that statement. The game is uber-casual, and is currently unsuccessful. Why on Earth would a company stick to a failing formula?
  9. ModsFreeAreForTV

    I can guarantee you a couple years ago it was worse. I took a long break from PS2 for a lot of real life events to deal with, and when I finally had time I just recently reinstalled it. The game is way better now that it was early 2016. Whatever they're doing now they need to keep at it. It seems more fluent, more fun, and a lot less trying to be something it's not. The fact people want something like Planetside to be a tactical shooter is complete nonsense. There is not going to be tactics when you are using vast amounts of numbers in games.
  10. TR5L4Y3R

    first of carbine not assaultrifle ..
    second ... couldn´t you ask the question any MORE vague ? as an engineer f.e. i provide ammo, offer stationary fire support, repair maxes AND vehicles, and still blow armor up

    it´s the problem of the time adding up for pure driving and believe me i HATE driving and deploying sundies though i know their importance to the game .. and i´m a person that plays occassionaly with not much time ..
    having to drive from base to base just to THEN be able to spawn in the area i want/need to be .. this is indeed wasted time because for the lost time you need to get from point a to b you are not actively helping the team/faction ..
    in that case i rather spawn immidiately to the base closest to my squad to then bring in vehicular firesupport or a mobile spawnpoint if neccesary .. there is nothing to learn and nothing fun about downtime ... it´s like autopilottravel in games like freelancer, eve online or WoW were you may aswell make yourself a coffee, some sandwiches and may aswell go get an actual newspaper ...

    and i see that type of warfare in this game .. i see infantry fighting allong with vehicles and the occassional aircraft battles
    and if people wan´t vehicle combat all they need is to spawn a tank and go fo the armorhunt ...
    forcing people to spawn from way behind just increases the time until engagemeant ..
    if you find there is a lack of say aircraft vs aircraftcombat than that is probably more a problem of air ballance and control itself than a matter of people spawning into action immidiately .. i have seen squads and outfits redeploy all the way back to the warpgate often enough to coordinate a tank or airpush (or while rare BOTH)

    this doesn´t make any sense .. why should i be intrested in a game that is broken? ....
    Scale, faction diversity (albeit limited) and the ability to plan strategic actions (tankrush, mass galaxydrop f.e.) is what make this game intresting .. and you can ballance that without the need of homogenising the factions ....
    the problem of the game comes with its varying sizes of battles and when one site has a clear strenght advantage in numbers or coordinated/skilled teams ...
  11. ModsFreeAreForTV

    That is not why people play this game. Maybe there's a small minority who want that teamwork feel but for myself as well as my friends it's about Zerging. This game isn't a Ghost Recon installment or an alien version of Arma. It wasn't made to be a tactical shooter. It's a mindless run-and-gun game (which I think it does well on when people realize that) just on an MMO scale.
  12. TR5L4Y3R

    and were did i mention that it is anything like the games you mentioned? .. i also said STRATEGIG moves .. not tactical ..
    and zerging is basicaly tankrush ... galaxies accompanied by esf´s and libs are airzergs ..
    playing as engineer or medic is playing with the team .. infils laying down spotters or hacking turrets and terminals are beneficial to the team ... players bringing in sundies or destroying sundies are beneficial to team ... it´s not neccesary to be in a coordinated team to be beneficial to the team or faction ..
    heck going off building your hive all alone is beneficial to the team/faction ... at one moment because i was the only one with a hive every factionplayer that at the time was on the same continent with me got a slight xpgain and i provided my team with a additional VP ...
  13. TR5L4Y3R

    i see people using sundies and transport people with them all the time .. what more does it need to be used?
    valkeries and galaxies are a different problem i don´t see how that has anything to do with people being able to spawn to the front immidiately .. ..
  14. adamts01

    There's an incredible foundation for teamwork, and sometimes it's used. It's just the players that this game has attracted that they've catered to that keep it a simple infantryside shooter. It's cool you're enjoying it, plenty of people do, but it's not just me who wants something more than infantry/cheap vehicle spam as servers are closing. But I've always admitted the combined arms/tactical approach was just my personal preference. I'm playing Arma now, if that says anything. And while I don't think PS2 should go full Arma, the could go halfway in that direction while keeping some space magic and this would become such a solid game.

    They need to have more value for one. I'll often see an entire infantry push each grab they're own Sundy on the way to the next base, fight over the best spawn position, then just abandon it if they don't get it in a good spot. They're 100% disposable, and I just want to see some real value added to vehicles. Until they're not so replaceable, we're stuck with infantryside arguing up and down that a tank shell shouldn't 1-shot them. As for Valks and Gals, this all directly applies to them. Inserting a small squad somewhere with a Valk is counterproductive, those infantry would have a much bigger impact spamming out of a Sunderer. Gal drops are only good for securing a few key places on a few bases or crashing hives. I want to see re-spawns dialed back and all vehicles become more valuable so that troop transport has more of a place in the game.
  15. TR5L4Y3R

    if you make it more difficult for people to spawn/get to the frontline were they want/need to be and as such force them to travel more without the possibility of battles along the way that way you reduce the potential time of actual fun for the individual player .. and for players that play short sessions once in a while that might be the most annoying thing you could do making them quit as that all adds up over time ..
    this won´t make vehicles more important but just more annoying to use ..
    i personaly would also have no interest in having to spawn a sundy to transport my squad over 3 or 5 friendly bases only for a raiding esf or lib to have it busted so i would have to do that again .. and again .. only to then have to wait for a full outfit to finaly get a actual baseattack going ..
    if you want them to be "not so" replaceable then how bout limiting them to either the squadleader or have it have a propper cooldown so it´s not as spamable ..
    i also argue that for many people vehicle combat may not be what they want but rather indeed like planetsides infantryaspect more and again forcing them to have to drive more until they get to actualy play that aspect you are decreasing the time of potential fun those players may have and increase the time until such engagments ..
  16. adamts01

    If vehicle combat and logistics were improved, the players that like those types of roles would hopefully come back to the game. Just like some people only like playing tanks, or HAs, or ESFs.... some people love the logistics side of things and treating the game like Command and Concur. Just like infantry fighters don't have to take part in Crotium harvesting, if the system were done well they wouldn't have to spend too much time doing a job they don't want to do, like transport, someone who likes that role would fill it. It's no different than some people filling the medic role so people who only like sniping don't have to play medic. If the game is balanced and every aspect is appealing then things just kind of work out.
  17. TR5L4Y3R

    one hit kills are ballanced by neccesity of skill ..
    a sniperrifle requires a head shot, every tankshot a direct hit, every rocket a direct hit aswell (and unlike tankshots have a slow velocity) as well as a grenade being thrown directly next to you or in case of stickies directly at you ... and missing with those weapons is often very penalising when you are too close because of reloadtime or time to draw your primary ... and in case of grenades the timer still gives time to have you killed in the process (happens to me a lot of times .. yea i suck)
    other than that there is just soo much in this post i just disagree with ..
    snipers having stealth have less health than any other class .. heavies are slowed down when using shields and further when aiming down sights ...
  18. TR5L4Y3R

    having tankspawns be dependable on cortium might bring a different problem in it self .. for one it is already possible to do so with player build bases and the vehicle terminal relying on cortium as well the spawntube and air terminal .. but say that would be the only way then you would run into the problem as when if you lack the volunteers to gather the cortium needed and the other faction has more cortium to spend than yours that way you risk having to battle a vehiclenumber advantage based on lack of resources ...
    similar to how the rts player with more ressources is capable to build more units than you ... even worse since cortium and silos are location based instead of having a general factionbased cortiumaccount it´s impossible to raise a proxibase to spawn your tanks closer to the enemy ... and there is the problem of players having to cert into these terminals first ... so it takes a hell of a lot of time to be even able to build a propper base ...
  19. adamts01

    Maybe let vehicles at the Warpgate only cost nanites, and the cortium cost would increase the farther you are from your home warpgate. That would let a weak faction fight back as they were getting steamrolled, and it would slow down a zerg as it got farther from friendly territory, which would also slow down continent locks, which many think is a good idea. But yeah, factions that play the game as it's meant to be played, as a combined arms game will do better. That's kind of a pet peeve of mine, people complaining they can't fight back because no one is playing (.........) role. Well yeah, if you have no medics you should lose an infantry fight. If your enemy brought infantry, air and tanks, and you only have infantry and air then you should lose. If your enemy is building hives and your side completely neglects that part of the game then you deserve to lose. But you do have a point, once an advantage is gained in cortium supplies then it could become a snowball effect.
  20. ModsFreeAreForTV

    Well, one shot kills In a game where you're most likely fighting 200-300 people at once isn't really a good idea. All it takes is for someone to aim at a cluster of people, fire a couple times, and they'll probably snag someone else's kill. I've done it. It's not really skill based.

    Or are we still talking about small 6v6 type fights that happen on the brink of no where? Once again no one likes that. That's not why people play PS2.