They can't destroy what isn't repaired

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Grendalsh, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. X3Killjaeden

    more importantly: an infil cant just hack it and kill your allies.
    Right now everytime you look on the map, all the main facilities generators are down unless its directly at the frontline because some infiltrators do nothing but 'farm' generators. Its basically impossible to stop them unless you sit there all the time waiting (wasting your time).
  2. Sian

    That's why it's always worth it to drop an AP mine next to any gen you go past. Someone will try to drop it in the next 5 minutes and get kablooied.
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  3. X3Killjaeden

    or rather not, because flakarmor. Plus glowie AP mines (soon)
  4. ArcKnight

    other than XP repairing turrets is pointless
  5. Fumblewatt

    People still step on them
  6. Fang7.62

    Base turrets are actually pretty fun for infils that actually infiltrate. Nothing like getting suddenly shot in the back of your tank by an AT turret from friendly base :D So do please repair them fully.
  7. Grendalsh

    So after reading all these comments, I have more reasons FOR repairing to 99% than Against.
    XP Denial
    Can't be hacked by infils
    Turrets not used much by non-engies anyway
    Doesn't leave fully repaired base for capturing force, facilitating recap
    Assaulting forces ignore damaged turrets vs destroying them all. 99% repaired leaves turrets prepped for use without assaulting force's ability to remove them from play before they can be used.

    Can't be used by non engies
    Assaulting forces stop to take out unmanned turrets for easy xp, acts as distraction.

    I would amend that the natural bases (ie the Amp, Bio, and Tech closest to Warpgate) should be fully repaired. These shouldn't be taken without a fight, so there should be an expectation of having defenders using these. Other faction's natural bases should be left at 99% as those are more likely to be flipped before our forces can defend them.
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  8. Grendalsh

    On a related note, WTH is up with folks destroying consoles in captured bases? I watched a friendly engie methodically taking out all the consoles in a base we'd captured, risking weapons lock. I understand its to deny infils from hacking them, but is this a normal SOP, or an *** move?
  9. Tanelorn

    A little research will show many threads on this subject already. Mostly saying it's unethical to not repair the turrets all the way.

    HOWEVER... This is mostly because defense turrets are far too fragile. In GU7 they got a damage buff, but nothing to help them survive an attack. Defense turrets should be able to soak up damage. THey don't need to be superpowered, but they do need to survive. Even with two engineers repairing it, a turret will die to a single MBT shooting it. Until turrets get a HP or resistance buff, they will be farmed easily for XP and the OP's tactic is sound.
  10. Shellana

    The problem with leaving fully repaired turrets lying around is infiltrators. Nothing like having a phalanx AV turret open up on your tank column from behind.
  11. Adamar09

    Are these engineers secretly medics? I can't imagine a turret with 2 engineers on it losing to an MBT in a pitched battle. They chew up tanks damn quickly.
  12. Juan R. Pesadilla

    It's a stupid move, after the cap. If their are indications of Infil(s) in the base (hacked Terminals) destroy the hacked terminal(s).

    Leave unhacked terminals alone, this will force the infil to have to goto the unhacked terminal(s) to resupply.

    A few well placed mines should eliminiate your Infil problem.

    If you enter a base that has been prepped for capping, destroy all hacked terminals in "unsecure" areas but do not repair them. Once you have the shield generators back online, destroy and repair all terminals in "secured" areas.
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  13. Rickenbacker

    It's a smart move. Your team still has the terminals in the spawn room, and he was denying enemy infiltrators the ability to refill their mines.