There is one kind of item I'd love to see...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RazloTPD, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. RazloTPD

    I'd love to have faction and/or outfit battle standards. Flags that you can carry on your vehicles, attached to your soldier's backpack/MAX or even as a consumable item that you can stick in an enemy corpse after taking/defending a base.

    Obviously their properties would vary. Make them sell for Station Cash but just be cosmetic, or allow them to be obtainable for infantry resource and have a benefit/buff for your troops or even a debuff for your opponents. I'm thinking various % bonuses to infantry, weapon and armour performance. Anyone else feel this would be an interesting addition?
  2. kyre5

    I wouldn't have them buff or debuff, but I'd still put the biggest one I can buy on my back as I run into battle.
  3. Crator

    Well, devs have talked about outfits bases and such. This goes right along with that idea!
  4. ted gillingby

    or make it replace your secondary weapon as a OHK melee alternative, pretty useless but you can wave it about via the mouse click while charging into battle and use it without messing up your loadouts, and still be relatively realistic (like a small tube which expands out to wave a holographic flag which can be holstered in your pistol holster)
    Also, needs dem epic battle shouts UARARRARRRARARARAR! need to be put in

    benefits of a flag? hmmm faster point capture? Slight healing properties? Squad mobile rally points (e.g follow the flag bearer to C!, meet flag bearer here! marker showing the flag bearer appears on the map)? possible miniture radar which spots nearby targets (flings out sonar pings every 2-3 seconds)? more exp for the flag bearer if he/she captures a point? More exp for the person who kills the flag bearer? outfit/ platoon identification on the battle field? glorious reichstag moments?

    Also, battle drums, flutes and air guitars (NC) Tr can have portable orchestras and piano's, VS can have electronic keyboards and wub wub wub discs to bring into battle.
  5. Fligsnurt

    This would be awesome. I would love to see something like this or even customizable outfit / alliance logos we can wear on our armor or vehicles. The standard would be cool as well, say squad leaders or the PL can carry it on their back kind of like a Warhammer 40k battle standard. That would be wicked.