There are two types of PS2 players...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NovaAustralis, Nov 5, 2013.

  1. Earthman

    "I am smarter than everyone else look I borrowed a webcomic and "ironically" wrote in a txt kiddi manner so you can't call me stupid in turn!"

    Contribute something useful please. Toot that horn somewhere else.

    another type which is me

    10 years of top competitive fps playing from cs and tf2 that logins to ps2 in my free time when i'm not scrimming or playing matches to destroy all the terrible players that play this game
  3. Sen7rygun

    And then you have players like me who fall into the following categories from both of your bad pigeon hole lists...

    - Play plenty of TF2 and Borderlands, still play it out against top level zeus bots in Quake1 on the odd occasion. Still attempting to replicate the world record for timetrial completion of Quake1 episode1, still failing after 15 or whatever years. If you've seen the vid you know exactly what I mean.
    - Have a crap ton of ridiculous camo's and decals, "whos the shiniest strawberry robot" is becoming a bit of an internal competition in our outfit.
    - Have Lumifibre on several vehicles, I use it because I'm a beautiful special little butterfly.
    - Have a large selection of "serious" camos as well. (as serious as you can get when my faction is covered in glow in the dark red spots).
    - I like big battles, small battles, farming kills as a sniper, C4ing random people as an LA in a tower, MAXing towers, farming infantry with my M18 and lolpods, playing tanker and running a dedicated AP/AP prowler and being the bane of enemy armored lines etc.
    - Not an F2P player. As far as I know theres only one player out there who's name I won't mention *Ahem* RIPPER *cough* who's spent more money on this game than me, and I frequently accuse him of being one of SOE's primary share holders.
    - Care immensely about faction loyalty and territory control is the game I play.
    - My VS alt's name is YOLOSWAGXXX69LIFT420BRO or something similar. Draw your own conclusions about what type of player that makes me.
    - I play all factions, and love the phoenix and lancer even more than my boring as all sh*t TR striker.
    - I enjoy the scope and tactics of the game. I love for the scope and tactics of the game. By many metrics the outfit I play in is one of the best in the world, let alone Briggs. Tactics is something we take very seriously.
    - I love my milsims and FPS games in general. The only military games I don't buy are pretty much anything based around WW2. I'm so sick of WW2 games its not even funny. Other than WW2 games there has not been an FPS game released inside the last 10 years that I have missed or failed to play through.
    - I have a long list of "serious" camos and decals, am an auraxium member and always display my ingame title according to my battle rank.
    - I'm a serious tactical player who loves tight teamwork, I'm not much of a combined arms player these days because my outfit is primarily an infantry unit.
    - I can use the map for all sorts of creative strategy... which is now meaningless since the lettuce came into play since being able to read into force deployments and make assessments of the battle flow based of an intricate web of territory caps, defends, force distribution and geographical map features is a total waste of time now. (Pro tip: just follow the line, thats were ther zerg will be). I have been a platoon leader in the past for a couple of prominent outfits on my server. Nowadays I'm just a soldier.
    - I still play CoD and Battlefailed. I still give other people sh*t for playing CoD and Battlefailed in a totally hypocritical manner because I enjoy nerd rage and listening to inane rants on the internet about how much of an a**hole I am.

    Feel free to tell me what kind of gamer I am. Pigeon hole away my friend. You are making the assumption here that "having fun, enjoying a good laugh at the expense of yourself or your mates and looking fabulous" and "being good at PS2 from an infantry combat standpoint while also understanding the greater depth of the game from both a macro and micro platoon management perspective" are two separate and exclusive things.

    Assumption is the mother of all f*ck ups. But you're just a blue shirt mercenary so I'll forgive you just this once for seeing the world in black and white.
  4. McToast



    But I think that a good FPS needs both aspects. Teamwork should be necessary and rewarding, but practise and "skill" should have at least as much impact on the outcome of a battle as good communication and positioning. If a team just has one of this abilitys they should get stomped by a team that has both.

    I'd like to add that I've never really played CoD, BF, TF etc. My last shooters were UT99 & CS 1.0-1.6 and I played them for over 10 years.

    the Toast
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  5. ZeroErrorz

    hey i got a quick name for these type first one we call cannon fodder as they like to focus on objectives too much,dont blame me but a smart cannon fodder is a good leader
    second one is cod kid,they are good on the battlefield but cant make strategic choices
    third one i call them human, they know this is a video game and they need to have fun anyway they can,be it derping or being strategic (im casual but i play long).
    fourth one is called spawnroom warrior,zoe abuser,and a good one can be a lolpodder,and they are pretty much what the description said
  6. NinjaTurtle

    I just like to shoot things in the head and be general pain in the ****
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  7. ZeroErrorz

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  8. Sen7rygun

    That's the spirit! You're already half way to being part of the greatest team of warriors ever assembled. All you have to do now is find a like minded bunch of players who also like to shoot things in the head and be a pain in the ****, all get together and be a head shooting *** pain while standing on an objective.
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  9. ZeroErrorz

    i know a lot of high br nc in matherson who do that.
  10. Konfuzfanten

    Yep, thats me. Before PS2 i had not played FPS's in 6-7 years, mostly been on the PvP MMO wave.
  11. Cab00se187

  12. Vashyo

    I was the second kind player in Planetside 1, I'm the first kind player on Planetside 2

    Want to be the second type player in Planetside 2 but find it near impossible task in the sheer amount of repetition and constant blitzkrieg-tactics

    Don't care about capturing bases that only stay under my factions control for 30 minutes max, 3way battles are so illogical at times and go all over the place without any sense or obvious planning
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  13. Prodigal

    You made me laugh, bro :D

    To topic: I am definitely the #2 type of guy. PS1 vet indeed, interested in the flow of the battle and finding a way to do things the most effectively. And always disappointed about my fellow VS outfits on Miller, who still dont seem to have understood that this is not just a bigger Counterstrike game. :((((
  14. Cinnamon

    Never played team fortress 2 although bought the orange box on release and couldn't really care less about ARMA. I normally play more strategy games or RPGs but have played some counter strike.
  15. Flukeman62

    i am a type 2 with a type 1 name
  16. Cowabunga

    I'm a mix of both 1 and 2 - So I guess there are 3 types?
  17. Crackulous

    The groups I would define are those that farm and those that are farmed. Which one would you choose?
  18. Nocturn0l

    Don't you dare to mix those types, the world is BLACK and WHITE!
  19. Posse

    Same here
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  20. Klondik3

    Why is the kid Hispanic? Are you making fun of ethnicities?