There are no outfits (that matter) running serious air for ops on Mattherson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Selentic, Jun 3, 2013.

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  1. Selentic

    because air is useless in fights that matter and aa is out of control


    can we just get like, special balance for Mattherson specifically, to make air viable on a server with outfits and players who actually know what they're doing, so as not to upset the precious balance on shrub servers. [IMG]

    (obviously the title excludes air only outfits like qry, tgww, and n)
  2. EliteEskimo

    BWC's Dragon Air Unit gets work done all the time, and I know because I run ops with BWC and they get their objectives complete. Don't get me wrong the Burster Max must have its range decreased and the Skyguard projectile velocity buffed, but there are outfits out there on Mattherson who are flying fine. Sure BWC's air squadrons doesn't have to deal with Strikers, but ZOE AA Maxes are pretty darn horrible too. I've also seen TE's Talon Air squadron do damage as well.
  3. IronWarrior

    Pretty sure the TE runs a Air Cav unit.
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  4. DjUnicorn

    *ran Talon
  5. moooosa

    Do you mean to tell me that Mattherson isn't swarming with Mosquitoes? I find that hard to believe.
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  6. gigastar

    Correct. Some people might assume that 10 mossies in an area would be a great thing for a flak MAX.

    Those people havent seen 10 mossies alpha strike a target with lolpods.
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  7. IronWarrior

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  8. Selentic

    So far I've seen BWC's airforce sit around camping spawns, and float around friendly territory with a few other aircraft, and that's it, I have never seen them go on the offensive, or seriously impact a battle.

    Incorrect. [IMG]

    Nope, they disbanded it because it was useless and burdensome.
  9. EliteEskimo

    I wasn't aware of TE, but you're wrong about BWC, I was just with a video recorded OP with them last week when they had 330 members on, and we warp gated VS/NC on Amerish. Task force Dragon blew up many Sunderers and Tanks that evening. They have operations on Friday's every week when the Ultra Alliance is going, so that is when you'll see them most.:cool:
  10. ThundaHawkPS

  11. Selentic

    While I obviously can't refute this since it's purely anecdotal, I will make a special note to go and specifically try to find this mythical bwc air force that accomplishes things beyond spawn camping and following the zerg next friday.

    im thundahawk and i dont actually read threads to see what they are about [IMG]

    Though just to clarify I am referring to outfits running coordinated air and ground.
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  12. EliteEskimo

    You have no reason to doubt my credibility based on what you know about me, I would hope, and I've run as a part of their platoons and are in their teamspeak during their OPs. Make sure you're on between 6-9 P.M on Friday. Like most great Mattherson TR outfits, they hit hard dominating everything in their way, get the job done, then go to bed early with a smile on their face. :D
  13. Selentic

    Yeah, you're definitely one of the few people here who has thought out opinions that I actually like to read, so I'm not doubting what you're saying, I'm just saying that I haven't really seen them do much, which is a little strange since I spend most nights with QRY searching for large air battles.
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  14. NoctD

    I'm not even sure if an outfit like QRY really impacts the full picture battle very much, when all they're doing most times is opportunistic killing of enemy air... it doesn't really change the overall outcome of a battle.

    Air operating by itself without meaningfully impacting the ground war doesn't change much other than add to kills/certs/XP.

    And what Thundahawk calls an air raid really isn't... an air raid is when air bombs the heck out of ground!
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  15. Selentic

    Pretty much. I only mentioned them because they aren't typical outfits, they're just groups of pilots who do nothing but fly, and aren't really relevant to the discussion if anyone tries to pull them up as people who are still flying.
  16. ThundaHawkPS

    r u kidding we killed 12+ assorted ESF/Libs with 4 Reavers in ~2 minutes

    I choose to term it an air raid. I kill a lightning and vulture a tank at some point so technically ground died to my Reaver as well.

    Aircraft have the firepower. With the right positioning they can still dish it out even in large scale. It is not easy and some bases don't have the terrain to allow air play, therefore air zergs will get stomped out by a handful of ground AA units.

    That said, air is far more mobile than ground and can put out multiple fires in the time it takes for a tank/sunderer group to even arrive at the first.

    Lone ESF can deal critical damage by being in the right spots and aiming well. Even in big battles there are spots where you can get in and drop salvos.

  17. ThundaHawkPS

    I HEFF auraxium medal'd ALL THE NC LMGs

  18. EliteEskimo

    Thanks, and look for a large amount of Armor or Infantry that is BWC. BWC is an epic outfit, because while they have different training and objectives for infantry, air, and armor they all work together like a real unit. It's not exactly an easy task finding task force Dragon since they are constantly moving as new objectives are given to them, but some of the best pilots on Mattherson TR are in BWC. Harvester to name one. Also keep in mind that during Friday on Prime time BWC is only one of the big outfits on the Ultra Alliance that are on. You also have to sift through AOD, TE, WOLV, DOG, VG, HNYB, 903, and E911 too lol.
  19. Selentic

    Well ok you're special cutie B)
  20. ThundaHawkPS

    I heff auraxium medal for all explosives except grenades as well. They are too hard to use.

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