There are a lot of bugs, glitches, exploits and hacks in this game...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mattressi, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Mattressi

    I know this has been said before, but I only just came to realise it now. After learning about all of the glitches and exploits I'm seeing them everywhere. This past hour I've seen:

    - Auto-repair abusers (aircraft is flying around with the repair shimmer constantly going, while it loses no health)
    - That stupid glitch where an AA turret will suddenly not damage aircraft. I could see my hits expoding on the aircraft, but no indicator came up and the aircraft lost no health. My teammate was doing damage to the same aircraft, though. I checked my ping (with command prompt - seriously, there has to be a better way!) and it was perfectly stable and as low as always.
    - Double-firing rocket launchers. Thankfully only one rocket hits, but when there's 3 HA's firing at you, it looks like a large coordinated squad.
    - Instant-kill weapons. Getting killed in one shot at full health by a G2A missile, by a rotary cannon bullet, by a regular rocket launcher (when in a Vanguard). These are misperceptions on my part - I'm taking no damage (and at full health) then I'm insta-destroyed; I look at the kill screen and 100% of the damage was from a weapon which could not have killed me instantly.
    - Really fast teleporting aircraft. Not sure if it's the netcode or if it's some form of hack.
    - Bugged turrets which are stuck at "overheated" and won't fire or cool down until destroyed
    - Explosives damaging through shields. I used to think it was because your gun was sticking out, but I was well behind the shield (no way my gun was sticking out) with my back to it and was heavily damaged by C4.

    Does the roadmap not include anything on fixing these bugs, or did I miss it? These are serious issues which really detract from the game. I almost wish I didn't know about all of them, so that I wouldn't notice them so much.
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  2. datfluttershy

    Dear Mattressi - Bugfixes will be included in all future Patches. They just didnt add "bugfixes" to every month doesnt mean they will not look into the matter and fix it once they got time to do so.

    My Suggestion - stay away from PS2 for at least 2 days - wait for the Patch comin on the 30th January and then get a second oppinion on the matter.
  3. Mattressi

    If these were all new bugs, I would say "oh, ok". But many of these are bugs/glitches/exploit which have been around for ages. I'd like to see something from SOE saying that they will fix these bugs - not a generic "we will fix bugs" statement.

    Also, another that I forgot to add was the stupid aim compensation (and the far offset cannon) of the Reaver. Turn off aim compensation and/or move the primary cannon closer to the pilot.

    I've yet to see any of these issues mentioned by SOE as something which are going to be patched. Again, maybe I've missed it?
  4. datfluttershy

    We are all in the same dark corner when it comes to SOE actually fixing something that is broke since ages rather then introducing something new that breaks. As the famouse song title says "don't stop beliving".
    But dont get me wrong, SOE is on Parol already when it comes to fixing things.
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