The VS Beamer needs to be given a 2x Burst mode, if the TR Inquisitor gets one

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by ttttz, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. ttttz

    The Beamer has long had a reputation as being the most painful to Auraxium, with many players just giving up just trying to get 1k kills. It has been the subject of much derision.

    The reason is the sheer number of clicks required to kill - to use this weapon, as a primary weapon for multi-hour play sessions against players with high DPS full auto weapons, is incredibly painful.

    The Stalker cloak forces the use of pistols as primaries. The Beamer is the default pistol for VS so its performance very strongly affects VS strength in this area.

    The most used class by far is HA. Clicks to bodyshot kill a shielded Heavy: 14.
    (Heavy hitpoints: 1250 hp with max nano weave/(1-0.45 dmg resistance with resist shield) = 2272, the Beamer does 167 Damage / bullet). Headshot kills are half this.
    The NC LA Desperado, which does the same damage per bullet already has a 2x burst mode.

    At the other end of the scale the commissioner does 450 damage and requires 5 clicks to kill.
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  2. Nocturn0l

    I don't know, the burst fire on the Inquisitor looks super broken to me
  3. Paperlamp

    I agree. Every faction needs a solid burst pistol or two.
  4. Van Dax

    remember guys, none of the stats need to change. This isn't even a buff its just pure ease of use.
  5. Kulantan

    Its in fact a nerf to RSI.
  6. Bankrotas

    Least you'll be able to achieve max dps that way. I agree
  7. Struct

    As a VS player who runs stalker infiltrator a lot, this would be a welcome change. I've been hoping for a burst secondary for a while.
  8. Facta

    Might as well, as long as its magazine size and pause between bursts is relative to the Desperado. Don't want a default weapon to outperform something that requires such an investment to acquire.

    But where does this leave the Emperor?
  9. David Lancaster

    No. You can max the clicks on a Beamer, but you could not on the Inquisitor.
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  10. libbmaster

    No... because the beamer is the default pistol, while the TS2 is unlockable.

    The Cerberus needs to be rerolled as a burst pistol.
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  11. Arkenbrien

    Don't touch mah' Beamer.
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  12. NCDaniel

  13. ttttz

    Desperado has a very high RoF burst, but the RoF could be made smaller to avoid the instagib wounded enemy effect.

    Funny you should mention this:). The NC Rebel does 250 damage per shot, the same as the Cerberus. But the Rebel has better accuracy. The Cerberus costs a full 1000 certs while the Rebel is only 250 certs.

    Logically, if the Cerberus was swapped with the Rebel, it would be very difficult to sell it to the NC for 1000 Certs.

    This is another issue that should be looked at.

    Emperor is also 167, so it needs less clicks as well.

    A burst mode is optional.

    The requirement is whether to sustain rate of fire, while facing enemies with full-auto weapons on multi-hour play sessions - not to just occasionally finish off an enemy or kill a few AFK enemies for lols.

    The Beamer requires an RPM of 451 to max out. The Inquisitor requires only 22% faster rate of fire at 551 RPM. This should be achievable to enough to players that can max out the Beamer.

    Out of curiosity, do you also advocate getting rid of the LA Desperado's burst mode since it does 167 damage as well?
  14. Van Dax

    manticore is the same as the magshot but nc get the magshot for free, guess we should nerf the magshot right?
    sidegrades pal.
    nice reasoning and logic, guy from faction who has a pistol that dpes the same damage and is a 2round burst gun.
    odd, considering there are people who can click at near twice the speed required for the inquisitor and the difference between them is only about 1 click per second-why do draw the line at 8.85 and not 7.51?

    all not giving it burst fire does is encourage people to macro it.
  15. David Lancaster

    No because the derperado sucks already, without the burst mode it would only be useful for committing suicide.
  16. Ronin Oni

    How do you think we feel about the Beamer? :p
  17. Riddlley

    Why should the the beamer be a higher damage emperor that also happens to be free? Make the repeater full auto then.
  18. Maljas23

    All factions should have the exact same things for the sake of balance. Faction identity is longer important beyond cosmetics.

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  19. Stargazer86

    It saddens me. Planetside 1 actually had faction differences that felt like they mattered yet were still fairly balanced. Planetside 2 seems to be on the route to homogenization. TR have burst pistols? Give everyone burst pistols. TR have high RoF? Give everyone high RoF. NC has the Razor? Give everyone the Razor. VS have spandex? Give everyone spandex.

    For pete's sake, all the shotguns are -exactly the same- across all three factions. The only difference between them are the models.
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  20. Vivicector

    I don't get, why NC ever got a burst pistol... Its totally not their trait. But if TR and NC have one, then VS must get it too.