The vehicle BUGS are the worst!!!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Klagmire, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. Klagmire

    Ok so you just spawned a vehicle or aircraft(that you paid for in rescources) and you scoping for some action, but theres no one around? I see them on my mini map, whats going on? let me get out and see. DOH its gone. And my squad is here now and I can see em. But what about my vehicle? GONE!.
    OKOK well lemme try this again, IM flying out of the warpgate base humm same thing, wait IM OUT OF BOUNDS? Im in my territory, my map says so!

    Really it should be TOP priority!!
  2. vampwood

    Heh I found a sweet advantage to this bug on my flash last night, It let me drive it straight into an amps station's SCU because the shields weren't there, and I just armed it and took out the other generators from the inside out. It really should be fixed as theres some other goofy things you can do with it.