The Turorial: Comprehensive Suggestion Thread

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by commandoFi, May 15, 2013.

  1. commandoFi

    A tutorial has finally been implemented on the test server. Unfortunately, as anyone who has tried it can attest, it is far from perfect. I have created this thread for suggestions by myself and other members of the community.

    -Different depths of tutorial
    There should be different options for depth. You can pick New to FPS, which is like the current tutorial, showing all the controls and basic weapon properties. The New to Planetside tutorial would mostly skip basic controls and focus on Planetside specific things, like capping points/bases and such.

    -More tutorials
    The VR/tutorial map clearly has plenty of room. This space can be used to house additional tutorials that can be deployed to and accessed in VR. They would include class specific tutorials (make sure to include the ACE ammo pack), basic vehicle training (required for use of certain vehicles?), and advanced training on things like generators and such.
  2. commandoFi