The TR Needs YOU!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shockfrosted, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Shockfrosted

    Bored of your stupid pew pew? Had enough of that annoying freedom and bonus checks?
    Well have we got the answer for you!


    Our finest pilots are mobilizing to make a difference!


    How about a 5-barrel tank gun? Can do!


    Join today for a first chance to fly the experimental Double Galaxy (tm) and Triple Mosquito (tm)!

    Would you like to know more?

    (Server lag has its upsides)
    • Up x 1
  2. Liquid23

    I still think we should change the name of the Mosquito... I mean generally we name things to sound fierce or intimidating... the Raptor... the Lightning... the Falcon... the Eagle... the Thunderbolt... but the Mosquito just kinda makes them sound like we are saying they are small, annoying and very easy to kill with a simple swat

    the current TR's PR people definitely need to go in front of the firing squad so their replacements know to do a better job
  3. SunnyDee

    Yeah when I'm in squad, I just yell "skeeter" and it seems so innocent. not like a Rocketpod'd ESF.
  4. Xasapis

    Call it horsefly instead
  5. Fuse

    I live in GA. We have tiger mosquitoes the size of a fly, and when they bite you it swells like a mofo and itches for like a week.

    Also, malaria.
  6. Liquid23

    still doesn't make the name sound even remotely intimidating or fierce... just more anoying
  7. Shockfrosted

    It does sound a bit more like an annoyance than a menace.
    Sure, mosquito stings are unpleasant and they can spread diseases sometimes, but a mosquito is not the kind of thing one gets a rifle to hunt.

    Or hey, how about renaming the AA flyswatter when NC or VS board it?
    At least then we're laughing.