The Terran Alliance

Discussion in 'Cobalt (EU)' started by TigraXL, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. TigraXL

    Hello soldiers of the TR

    AOTR officers came to a conclusion that to oppose extremely coordinated and numerous forces of NC and VS on Cobalt we need to establish a structure bigger than a single outfit. Hereby, we will declare The Terran Alliance consisting of several Cobalt and ex-Lithcorp outfits and controled by a parliament of outfits officers.

    Why do we need the TA:
    - To oppose the NC and VS as a larger army and stomp any operation against our order
    - To let affiliated outfits specialize at what they do best
    - To share expirience and intel
    - For the fun of watching enemy run in fear

    What we are going to do:
    - Run joint operations and events
    - Promote the image of allied outfits and TR as a whole
    - Solve community issues
    - Have fun

    Join the Terran Alliance and you can always count on backup. United, we will never be outnumbered or outsmarted. We will stop any zerg and restore order on Auraxis!

    If you are interested in signing up your outfit, please visit, general discussions.

    Good luck on the battlefield
    Captain TigraXL
    AOTR Executive Officer
  2. Cougarbrit

    Derpa derp.