The Tech-Plant paradox: Do not turn off the meat grinder !

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UberBonisseur, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. UberBonisseur

    People can hold tech plants for hours by just spraying bullets at the 2 doors.

    However, storming inside with a gate shield Sunderer defeats that; most of the time it resulted in a instant victory for the "Divers"; as you take out the enemy sundy (heck, some people even put C4 on the first bus and use it as a suicide car).

    But why would you do that ?
    Tech plants earn you the fastest certs: Ammo, Medics, Grenades...
    It's almost like you get insulted for doing so. No one is going to hop in your Sundy.

    The stalemate isn't going to be broken because people will FARM THEIR CERTS here.
    • Up x 1
  2. Pwnstarr

    Because capping and then defending will let you farm certs AND get the cap bonus.

    But I'm more oriented toward territory control and found a good outfit that's hellbent on continent domination. If you're just here to farm XP the game will get boring real quick. at least that's why I never stick with any MMORPG.
  3. Morpholine

    By all means TR and NC, continue to just spray bullets at the two doors.

    You're very easy kills from behind.
  4. Hellkyte

    Shield Breakers.
  5. Gavyne

    I love tech plants because it nets me some of the best exp, much more exp than running around taking empty bases. Bio labs used to have those good fights too, but then air starts bombing people on the platform so we don't get the same type of stalemate there anymore. Tech plants is now the last facility where both defenders and attackers can farm for sweet exp for hours on end.

    And yes even though I have shield diffuser onmy sundy, I don't bother offering to do it anymore since I get better exp by letting the grind go on than ending the fight.
  6. BuzWeaverPS2

    We did some shield shredding last night. Its a lot of fun and if you're lucky does disrupt the enemy quite a bit. If you're really effective you can pull those Chock Point Charlies away from the grind as they're coming to support their teammates in the bays.
  7. TatharNuar

    Oh man, you mean the "***** Mack Truck"? That's really fun to roll out with. Takes some organization and a few people with C4 though. Sadly can't find a video of it right now.

    EDIT: I found the reddit post I got that name from though:
  8. Takoita

    Tech plants also have the best positions for AA MAXes - what's not to like?
  9. Jestunhi

    I saw an interesting tactic the other day, think it was a techplant but not 100% sure.

    You know the shields which LA can fly over or shield breaker sundies can break through? Well I saw someone park their tank in front of one and elevate their main gun to the point where all the infantry could climb over the tank to get over the shield.

    Innovative, and even more effective if a few LAs fly in first to clear the area of AV
  10. Flarestar

    Because you typically get far, far less experience assaulting a tech plant for two hours than you would by defending it for two hours.

    Hence, it's usually a better idea to gate crash, kill their Sunderer, take over the plant, and then farm them while they try to take it back.
  11. UberBonisseur

    If you're a medic, you'll take advantage of the mindless zergs continuously spawning there
    It's a gigantic XP farm for revives, ressuplies...