The T32 Bull...

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by IberianHusky, May 21, 2014.

  1. IberianHusky

    So I was thinking of getting this thing, but is it more useful than the CARV or MSW? How versatile is it? Is it even worth buying? I've trialed it but an uncerted weapon is difficult to compare to a fully certed one.

    Also, on a completely unrelated note: If you buy a colored laser sight, does it unlock cross faction? If so, it might actually be worth getting one. Then I won't have to waste certs on a laser sight for my commie on every character.
  2. Maljas23

    The Bull does not replace either of those LMGs.

    I argue that it is the most versatile of all non-NS LMGs. It has the highest bullet velocity out of all LMGs and basically does not require you to lead with HVA equipped. It also has the tightest CoF out of all TR LMGs, even beating out the MSW-R. I recommend using SPA for all of it's roles, because 670 velocity is more than enough for any range of combat, regardless of ammo type. The recoil is extremely controllable, but the bullet dmg and RoF is quite low. This is why SPA is a must, imo.

    Finally, to make this gun work in CQC, you need to aim for the head. Its RoF is low enough that it will effect CQC performance, but it is also high enough to win CQC engagements if you hit the head with a few bullets.

    Is this gun worth buying? I would say yes. It is my go to LMG when nothing else seems to be working.

    Hope this helps.