The rendering in this game is pretty bad.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zar15450, May 2, 2014.

  1. zar15450

    God, I can't stand the rendering in this game. You can only render like 64 players probably that's it. So they're advertising a game with 2000 players when you can only render like 64 players now. Planetside 1 you could render like 300 people in a battle. This is a huge let down for people like me to find only can render like 64 players. Please, you can render like 300 people in a battlefield, or even more, like 1000 players the technology exist, and it is in the market. I've seen it before, go youtube it.

    I'm probably going to take break from this game till they fix there rendering issues, The sniper class sucks now because of this huge issue. Don't advertise a huge battles, when you can't even render it.
  2. Quikloc007

  3. Hatesphere

    i smell poop. please link me to a recent game i can play with this huge functional render pool.
  4. zar15450

    I was there. There was no lag for me at all. It was pretty successful test.
  5. WorldOfForms

    Pretty sure PS1 had a fairly low rendering limit. Might have been higher than 64, but they nerfed it at one point. Early in PS1 you could snipe people from insanely far, but a few years later and you could not see people from nearly so far away. It actually made the rangefinder implant worthless.

    Still it's possible even the nerfed rendering of PS1 was higher than with PS2, because PS1's battles just felt bigger. A lot bigger.
  6. Hatesphere

    so what, that happend like once and it was a cluster ****? why do i want this?
  7. zar15450

    Use your imagination, my god you could do a lot. There is no limitations, what you could do with that. If you think it is impossible to have a fun game with 1000 players, than you are lacking creative thought, because nothing is impossible. I think I could do a lot with this, but it would take a lot of time to think about it.
  8. zar15450

    and look at this game This was year ago so they proably have a a lot of new ideas and thought.
  9. Hatesphere

    so game that doesn't exist yet? sounds good.
  10. zar15450

    It does exist, there in Alpha state right now. You know when developers are making video games they check if it is possible what they're doing. What are you saying, it is impossible what there doing?
  11. Hatesphere

    prototype does not equal real world performance, we will see.
  12. zar15450

    You act like they didn't think this through.
  13. SpcFarlen

    Pretty much. Hell we even saw that with PS2. Early beta didnt have a dynamic rendering distance, it was just occlusion culling. Not to mention untill they have allow players to show their own foottage most of the ingame videos will be used on higher end machines which are not indicative of what the average player will be running.

    Its cool if you can have 500+ players in view with an overcloacked rig and two 780 Ti in SLI. But if the average player cant get that experience its all for not.

    Granted Forge Light isn't exactly the best engine for what its trying to do as of now. That can change of course since it is SOE's engine and they have free reign to change it.
  14. Hatesphere

    it is foolish to think that a tech demo video will play out on your home PC.
  15. zar15450

    But I do know that, very well. Plus, on the other hand pretty much I did play the tech demo, and it was on my pc and It ran pretty dam good. A lot of people didn't complain at all. Majority were fine on the chat. The only problem was that there was a few server crashes and that's all. But that will all be fix in the future.
  16. MajiinBuu

    Rendering is fine.
  17. Syphers

    it's not on par graphically so . still it's not that bad It used to be more limited which is probably one of the reason why the game took a performance hit some time ago, still not that bad
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