The recent Claymore change/nerf...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Magma52, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. Exitus Acta Probat

    Claymores have lights, what are you playing on a potato, turn your graphics up a little.

    Claymores are good for doors and corners, flat mines are better every where else and still work on doors and corners.

    I play all three empires and I personally prefer the VS proximity mine as about 80% of the time I'm throwing them.
  2. Exitus Acta Probat

    Maybe they should make the claymore have to be activated by a clicker like C-4 is in this game.

    You know, like how real claymores are 80% of the time used:rolleyes:
  3. Newlife1025

    I always hated claymores. If you stepped on one, it was an insta kill. You could easily run past the vs mines and avoid most of the critical damage. You could do the same with NC, but not as effectively. From what people say, i would have rather had the vs buffed to it triggers a bit quicker.
  4. Newlife1025

    That would be annoying. Just waiting for people to come across
  5. Exitus Acta Probat

    That how C-4 actually works son
  6. Pelojian

    they are asymmetrical mines, claymore is a door and chokepoint mine, BB and proxies are stairway and object concealment mines.

    all they really needed to do is change proxies and BB to instantly detonate when you get in the lethal blast zone so people can't just sprint through it to avoid the mine while still triggering it.

    all this change does is encourge run and gun gameplay, like leeroy jenkins, something kills you when running and gunning that is based on you not being cautious? whine to the devs.

    slowly but surely the tactical aspects of this game are being watered down to appease mindless zerglings.

    mines may be easy to place, claymores even easier for effectiveness, but to whole point of mines is to punish those that aren't careful and slow down attackers.
  7. adamts01

    I'm all for slower and more thoughtful gameplay. I'd even take this a step further and have a set up time to stop suicide trip mine rushes.
  8. FirePhox

    Bouncing betties are a joke, super easy to spot and they don't even kill you 3/4 of the times you run over the top of them. I actually feel sorry for NC infs using them.

    Claymores were a death sentence, I don't think I have ever survived a Claymore before; what's more is they're super easy to hide and can be put in unreachable places so you literally had to die to get to them unless you had explosives.

    But yeah, keep acting like its the end of the world...
  9. Tankalishious

    Yup.. I play on a min 50fps (heavy battle) max graphics settings potato. What do you play on, since you seem to have a problem seeing the blinking ground beacons on the ground?

    A blinkikg lights kind of...oh, i dunno, stand out? Could be why police and ambulances have them...? And hazard warnings...? And light houses on the coasts?
    Claymores have two barely visible dim green , teeny tiny lines eminating a foot from it. In a game where **** is going on prettymuch everywhere, those light lines tend to disappear in the overall picture. Placing a claymore is dead easy and you don'have to choose between either going for a kill but having to place a lighthouse in the middle of a path, or hide the beacon more to the side and hidden, and then either have to double mine (for a kill or close to) or just make a dent in enemy shield. Add server lag to it and then people just lol over/past mines due to trigger+server lag.
    Remove the blinking lights on BB/prox but keep claymore 300dmg more powerful.
  10. JobiWan

    I still managed a fair few claymore kills last night. I guess we have to think slightly differently regarding placement now and maybe have them at a different angle or try to do it where the enemy is in front of it longer.

    I'm bummed about the nerf because I've spent hours collating video and writing a script to make a video on claymore placement and it's all redundant now.
  11. Ziggurat8

    Oh my, you have to get creative!? What a novel concept it must be. Welcome to AP mines 101, taught by NC, VS will be assisting in our demonstration today.

    LOL. I love it!
  12. Eternaloptimist

    Yes, but real life examples don't always transalte well into gameplay, or we'd all be dying to much fewer bullets

    I place them in ambush positions like Claymores but a bit further back, so the trigger delay has time to pass as the guy is approaching it or is still in the blast zone if he has got past it (because 360 Degree blast radius). Works just fine in places where you can predict with resonable certainty where people will be coming from and going to......and that is quite a lot of places.

    They are also good for hiding behind rocks and other cover, which people are often running towards or around and maybe stopping to hide behind.

    Works for Prox mines too.
  13. Liewec123

    some people liked to make a big deal about claymores being better, i didn't think it was a huge issue, though i don't think this change will make too much difference tbh. :)

    striker is one of the best AA tools in the game, it takes off half of an ESFs health like any other AA launcher, but unlike the others there is no warning, no lock on time, aim in the general direction and fire.
    its like mixing the benefits of flak (no need for precision, no advanced warning) with the benefits of a RL. (half of the ESFs hp goes poof)

    it isn't great for vehicles and maxes, but there are a billion other units that can deal with those, AA sources are usually quite scarce, so having something as potent as striker in your pocket is always handy,
    on my VS and NC i don't like seeing an ESF, on my TR i relish the moment :)
  14. Daigons

    Another over powered TR weapon has been finally adjusted. Hopefully the Dev will next address the infinite DPS buff for Prowlers.
  15. Ziggurat8

    The prowler is the worst tank! They need to make it so the barrel begins immediately reloading after firing and the barrels reload independently of each other! This should offset having to adjust for recoil on the second shot which is complete BS. Prowlers really only ever have 50% dps since they miss that second shot all the time.

    It's only logical. Lol. I'm kidding, but could you imagine?
  16. OgreMarkX

    What's maddening about the prowler is the touchiness of Lock Down. Too many factors determine if it can be deployed and or contribute to deployment delay (have to keep hitting deploy key) (deploying a sundy has a similar issue)
  17. Newlife1025

    But its not really a trap... id rather place one down and come back for my catch, not sitting there waiting for someone to come by
  18. Ziggurat8

    In real life the COF on a claymore mine is capable of ambushing and killing an entire squad or platoon. 60' arc fires 700 steel ball shrapnel @1200m/s with a kill zone of 50-100m.

    Yeah, I could definitely see camping a spot with that beast. Imagine setting one off at a busy enemy sunderer, you'd easily get dozens of kills. You can also chain them together IRL to cover larger areas with a single detonator.
  19. Thaumatos

    TR have better choices period.

    Grab a Harasser with a chaingun and have fun killing anything. You have to be a total backa$$wards nubtard to lose with that thing.

    Don't get me wrong...I love my TR char...but sometimes it just feels like cheating...
  20. Thaumatos

    Like it a lot.

    I think the problem is that TR weps are so good they stopped trying to be creative and just whine when they don't kill immediately.