The reason that people dont play much now?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Diablery, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. IOwnblueacre

    1. Waiting for new content
    2. Life
    3. There's already forumside :D
  2. uhlan

    Why do you keep getting locked-on to?

    It's because the infantry have nearly ZERO defence against air that they have lock-on in the first place. It's lock-on because the PBI (Poor Bloody Infantry) can't scare off (stop a lolpod run) let alone bring down an ESF due to its speed and ability to get beyond the horizon or dodge. The harasser is nearly as ridiculous being the ESF with wheels.

    Despite that, the lock-on weapons in this game are crap and if you die to one, well, far be it to tell you how to play the game.

    When I die from a lock-on it's my fault every time.

    And please, don't use the "well, go get a max!" argument for the infantry. Very few folks have anything more than the basic one-armed-bandit because for infantry the certs are best spent elsewhere. The max consumes precious resources for mines and grenades. Things far more infantry-centric than a max pull.

    If you play at any time other than peak, you and your ESF are vitually IMMUNE from death.

    If you keep using non-peak tactics during peak hours it will simply add to your disappointment.
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  3. RedDeadVirgo

    Also there is no cheese on forumside.
  4. sodom

    Ahh forgot to add my biggest reason to don't play any more..

    Faction inbalance.. after the faction balance tips to much to one side the game is simply unplayable .. the only thing the underdog can do is shoot out of the spawn shield or spawn a light and C4 200 enemies to death to see them been retrieved 5sec after they died.
  5. Gavyne

    1. Cheese weapons and mechanics, too many of them, and they continue to release them because cheese items sell.

    2. Slow balance tweaks, lack of faction balance, nonexistent population balance between factions. Faction population balance is a big issue, one that I'm not sure they can fix without instancing battles. After all, there's a reason why instances were created in MMO's, and why FPS games always start with fairly even numbers.

    3. Content release too slow, I've asked for an urban warfare map since release and it's now almost a year later, still no urban continent. I mean don't hurry or anything, urban warfare is only the most popular maps in FPS games.

    4. Free-to-play affects the development of this game too much. The slow balance tweaks have to do with SOE knowing overpowered items sell. Lack of faction balance makes players jump from one faction to another, which again increase station cash sales. Continued release of cheese weapons and items again can be attributed to the need to sell station cash. I supported F2P in this game at launch because F2P is what got me to even try it in the first place. In hindsight, I realize F2P is designed to maximize short term revenue generation, short term fun. This model is not going to sustain because too many people will quit before long due to all the things I mentioned above.
  6. Deronok

    Been busy, and I occasionally go through an FPS burnout.
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  7. Bennybones

    1. Not a very good FPS.
    2. Uninspired weapons.
    3. General performance.

    I try to get in to it again the way I used to, but just half an hour with almost any other FPS reminds me that the only reason I play this game is because of my outfit and because of the promise of giant battles. Of course, most giant battles don't happen and when they do it's almost always one faction overpopulating the other and it therefore becoming just a grind fest.
  8. JudgeDeath

    I find it rather amusing when people like OP complain as he does, when apparently he does wants to fly in a plane and not do anything else.

    This is not a flight sim, try using vehicles and infantry when your precious plane is down. Stop standing at the warpgate afk untill you get more resources.

  9. Bhudda V1

    i don't play much at this point because whenever i get into a fire fight someone's shields flare and immediately my fps goes from 35ish to 22 and it's hard to have fun when spraying is the only way to win at that point. not to mention av turret's and non rendering enemies helping....
  10. Being@RT

    But all games also see a decrease in players during summer, because of holidays etc...

    At least if you ask the forums, everything and anything not related to the game causes a drop in playerbase, but none of those things cause an increase.
  11. TheBloodEagle

    Waiting for content.

    Been playing since BETA so I already know the game well enough. So I'd currently rather work on other projects or play something else more often while I wait. Just looking forward to the optimization so then the Roadmap stuff can finally come out.