The rage...

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by m44v, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. m44v

    ... when you realize that the infiltrator needs to invest 600 certs for get two anti-personal mines while the engineer only needs 250 certs.
  2. Benton!

    ...what the ****...

    oh come on Sony, this is ******* ********. It is 3 times easier to get certs as an engineer, but more then twice as cheap?
  3. 2Robins

    Just makes me feel more BA haha.
  4. m44v

    heh, I thought there would be more replies about this injustice. I guess everyone snipes?
  5. Fishie

    I really want to enjoy infiltrator, but I'm starting to have serious second thoughts. The class feels lacking, and I outright suck at it. :(
    Not sure why mines would be more expensive for infiltrators. With the cloak being as useless as it is in close quarters, you won't be reaching any spots to drop them an engineer couldn't reach. (Probably with less difficulty, what with being able to at least survive a couple of shots)
  6. Noctover

    I snipe and CQC, i have 1 AP mine, and i do agree with you, considering Engineers can farm serious certs, more than double Infs can in the same time, and pay less for the same item.

    You'd think Engineers would get AT mines, and leave the AP to Infs, but it seems as the lowest cert farming class we have to pay the most :).
  7. Aktarus

    we lack of so much usefull tools to upgrade that they have to almost triple the price of the only one we really need ,otherwise we would have too much unused points lol .
  8. Raidashi

    or because the name of this thread is "The rage..." which sounds like a ***** qq thread no one would bother with despite having a good point. I actually came in here for a lol...
  9. xXGenesisXx

    I am actually more disappointed by the lack of viable Upgrades to our Sniper rifles . I mean you buy the gun .....and that's it . Nothing to upgrade . Forward grip ? What for on sniper bolt action rifle ? Seriously ? "To reduce recoil from sustained fire" what sustained fire ? Its BOLT ACTION !!
  10. Fishie

    What would you even need to upgrade? The freaking thing kills in one headshot!
  11. therah

    It's about maintaining a player base and giving players something to work towards. It's smart business if you're labeling your game as an mmo. cheers
  12. SirBurning

    When I was playing TR Infiltrator with the SR-7 , BEFORE double exp:
    So yea, Its not that hard to get certs, this was over time of a little less than 2 hours. And yes, I only played Infilitrator, during the defense/attack of Zurvan.
  13. Crysander

    Well if it makes you feel any better I don't really want to use C4, yet via the Utility Pouch I HAVE to get 2 of them (First and Third Tier) before finally spending 1000 certs for my third AP mine.

    In all fairness though, I imagine this is due to the AP mines (or any mines) being labelled as an Engineer primary utility and the fact that your cloak could lead to undesirable effects if every Infiltrator could cert easily into double AP mines. I'd much prefer not to have the C4 at all and leave that for the other classes, primarily the LA and Inf classes.
  14. SJ_Wolf

    I will play this class in spite of SOE's complete lack of sense regarding it only because I like to core concept and sniping. That and when I play with my outfit certs rain from the sky.
  15. Nyth_

    Plenty of suggestions.

    - Ability to rechamber a round without zooming out.
    - Faster reload and/or extended clips
    - Less sway and/or a bipod

    I mean seriously there is enough stuff to think of when upgrading a sniper rifle. Just steal ideas from other games if you have to. Bipod and Straight Pull Bolt are suggestions from BF3.
    The one thing I upgraded on my V10 was getting a 12x scope, which was an excellent buy. But now I'm done with it, silencer is completely pointless for extended range sniping and so is a foregrip.
    This design philosophy shouts that they are either completely clueless how sniping classes work, or they simply couldn't be ***** to spend any time on it. Stuff like this just feels copy pasted from other classes without any proper thought behind it.
    • Up x 1
  16. xXGenesisXx

    Something to make the rifle sway less, maybe Auto Spotter, maybe something resembling a bipod for crouching that makes you steady but fixed to a 70% wide angle and prevents cloaking , some kind of hacking bullet that you fire in to a console and it auto hacks it (let us have one or 2 till reload ), maybe an EM bullet making turrets/tanks/consoles you fired on disabled for 10 sec ..... i donno something .
  17. m44v

    That doesn't make sense! QQ threads ALWAYS get tons of replies :p

    I can't even dream about getting that many certs in 2 hours as infiltrator. What was the enemy doing? having a tea party and discussing about the spontaneous head explosion they were suffering?
  18. SirBurning

    No ,actually they were just normally assaulting the Amp Station.

    I've played Counterstrike 1.6 when I was a kid. So ,I've had quite some good learning school when it comes to twitch aim.
    Don't wanna brag, but I dont have that much issue hitting headshots. Bulletdrop in this game is almost nothing.
    Also, those cert's include the Capture of Zurvan Ampstation (500 I believe? ) and the extra % you get for defending.

    I dont play Infiltrator much though, no certs invested in it. Proximity mines are a PAIN though when you are coming against them. I think the cost is so expensive because , infiltrators can cloak and place them anywhere. Also you can hack a Infantry Terminal and give yourself new mines.

    I think they are good as they are, even though you only get 1. Kill radius is pretty huge.
  19. iller

    EVERY CLASS gets explosives. We are not unique snowflakes and getting 2 of them unlocked doesn't suddenly make the game any easier for us since the infantry ours kill will just spawn 5 seconds later at their Sundy 200ft away. While the Engies just happens to be able to kill a Sundy instantly making him a much better Ninja than we currently are with them. And the LA and HA's explosives atleast cost the enemy player a whole Tank which they'll be locked out of for much much longer than 5 seconds.

    So yeah.... the people who stay "Stick it out till you get betties!" are kind of leading the newbs around by the nose. It's fun the first day until you realize: we are not the unique snowflakes we thought we were

    Also: AT mines get triggered by Players as well, something I found out the hard way after killing a solo capping Engineer and then walking out the doorway he came in through....

    Despite a stellar K/D in a zergfest (gratz btw), the scores clearly paint a different picture and everyone on that score board with far less skill than you would have gotten 2-3x the Certs you got with the same Membership/Boosts.
  20. Rigsta

    I haven't counted and I'm not about to right now, but I think the engineer has more none-weapon certs to spend than infi. Could explain the lower cost?