The problem with Proxy Mines

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Darkplace, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. Darkplace

    We all know the deal here, despite people's claims that they work fine.

    I play NC usually, so look what I found (or didn't) when I was on a VS.


    When in god's name is this going to be fixed? I'm tired of switching every loadout to Flak Armour every time I have fight VS.
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  2. Accuser

    Make VS mines more visible, make TR mines less visible. The damn Claymores are twice as easy to see as the other two, and 10x easier to see on stairs.
  3. Scorponok

    if any faction should complain it should be TR...NC shouldnt be the one...
  4. Darkplace

    OK guys, this wasn't a comment on how visible the TR one is. I appreciate how bad that is for you and agree they need adjusting.

    However, the topic I've brought up is the Proxy Mines.

    Please try to stay relevant.
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  5. cyb_

    Proximity mines, Betties, even claymores sink into the ground from time to time. It is not empire specific, but sucks nonetheless.
  6. VakarisJ

    They are staying relevant. NC proxies are the hardest to spot, especially indoors -- they blend in very well with the pale metal floor. VS proxies are easier to spot -- they're odd-shaped and are purple, meaning they don't blend in anywhere. TR claymores are one-directional and the easiest to spot, meaning they have the biggest disadvantage there.

    As for that screenshot. I'm not quite sure what it's supposed to show. That proxies can sometimes clip into terrain just like any other thing in this game? If anything, the NC proxy mines would be harder to spot once clipped in like this, because they have a smaller profile, which means they could be completely underground.
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  7. Zotamedu

    The visibility of the mines is not the problem. The are not that hard to see if you pay attention. Just look for a big blue or a big purple thing on the floor. The problem is the mines not rendering or sinking through the floor. Most of the times I get killed by mines is because they wont show up at all. I guess both VS and NC will cry for weeks once that problem is actually fixed since they have never had to learn how to hide their mines properly, something TR have had to do due to the directional damage.

    Anyway, please just fix it so the mines stop falling through terrain!
  8. Darkplace

    I see, well being NC I don't really know how/if the Betties clip like this. It's always drop and forget.

    If it's the same issue with them as it is with Proxies, then I agree that's the same issue.
  9. kungflu

    I agree. The Claymore needs a rework
  10. Cowabunga

    You don't have to "nerf" one specific weapon and at the same time "buff" the other. Bring all the proxy mines in line with either the TR one or the NC/VS.
    This can be done by either making all mines more visible (like the TR one) or less visible (like the VS one) Problem solved and everyone is on an even playing field.

    The damage and effect of the mines can still vary depending on faction. I wouldn't mind having TR claymores have more reach than the VS and the VS mines have a 360 degree angle.
  11. IamDH


    To get on topic tho, doesnt this apply to all proximity mines?
  12. Darkplace

    Yes I suppose it does. I've just never seen an environment clipped claymore. :rolleyes:
  13. NoctD

    But have you seen all kinds of weird angles for them placed? Even placing them down on the ground, they don't always go in right, so the angle of their lasers is totally skewed and not what the user intended.

    You can't make a proxy mine topic and try to ignore the issue with TR Claymores being so different.
  14. Spoprockel

    I've seen quite a few claymores doing that.

    The sad part is that you'll still see the top sticking out, and you'll be able to shoot it. Sometimes you'll even see the lasers stick out.

    VS and NC mines become completely invisible if this happens indoors.

    It's been around for a long time now.
  15. Darkplace

    Said it yourself, the Claymore issue is completely different to the one I'm trying to address here. If people want to talk about Claymore problems too then fair enough, it fits in with the title of the thread I suppose.
  16. IamDH

    Lol claymores are an exception

    Clipping proxies are a bug and it should be fixed
  17. Torok

    Yes, I've seen multiple clipped claymores in the ground but their lasers still point out of the ground and so you're able to distinguish them and avoid them, hell you can even jump over them sometimes :S
    But the VS/NC mines once they clip in the terrain are Completely invisible -.-

    This has been like this since RELEASE pretty much-
    We Really Really need all these bugs fixed atleast by the time the Optimization update comes.
  18. IamDH

    I think it'll be fixed after the optimization

    From what i understood, everything is on "hold" until that comes
  19. MajiinBuu

    I always stealthily crouch into rooms. I sneak through a doorway and see a claymore. I think "Sh*t!" and I get blasted. Already crouching, no time to evade.
    That being said, I love using mines and toss them everywhere :D
  20. Darkplace

    Me too. I have Auraxium with Betties thanks to my love for them.