[Suggestion] The patch that'll solve all our problems.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Scan, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. Oakwalker

    Nothing to see here, OP is either in the special ed olympics, or he's so sarcastic it went over my head.
  2. Blarg20011

    Wow, no-one can detect such blatant sarcasm? I mean really people, which is more likely, OP is "special" or being.... oh wait, never mind, this is a gaming forum.
  3. Reaper

    Im going to break the fun and be a little serious. how about this, totally remove the medic and enge class and replace them with Meduim assault. Make it so heavy and medium assault have 2 pistol slots that can be interchanged with hacking medic or repair tools. All classes have a utility slot that can be used for a med-kit, c4, mines or deployables. Then fix the cert system and make it so you can cert into medic, enge, combat enge, hacker ect so this game doesn't feel like every other ******* cookie cutter FPS out there and plays like PS should. If i want a heavy with a ******* sniper rifle shotgun rek and repair tool i should be able to!
    ADD: That or make it so when you cert to the max of one of the 3 main abilities (hack, med or repair) that that tool can replace the pistol slot of any of the other classes!
  4. Scan

    A Troll? :rolleyes:

    Ah well I guess this whole setup was rather elaborate. The idea was to use sarcasm to draw out the problems the Infiltrator has from the perspective of the other classes.

    For instance, seeing as how our cloak, doesn't really hide us, the Light Assault Jet Pack, shouldn't really be usuable to get away from enemies.

    Or, seeing as how we can't infiltrate, obviously our key role, I don't see why Engineers would be able to preform their key role -> piloting vehicles.

    I guess I don't have to explain the "not being able to take action while shield/self-heal is active"

    Maybe should have saved this for April Fools. A lot of people seemingly would have fallen for it.
  5. Siq6Six

    LOLing @ all the mouth breathers who thought he was being serious! Well done, Scan! I like how in jest you still bring up some key points, such as while cloaked the inf can't do or use anything, yet HA's & Meds can while using their abilities.
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  6. Exorcist

    I must say to all the whiners which are QQ about AT Mines when they drive over. Did you ever looked at the vehicle certifications? There is an ability called "Mine Guard". For example a Sunderer with Mine Guard 3 could survive 4 or more (depends on the Mine guard level) AT Mines same as all other Tanks. So stop complaining about AT Mines they are good and not many people have them cause every second player is Heavy or Sniper ;)
  7. giltwist

    Oh, no, didn't you guys hear? They've made cloak useful in the next patch
  8. Blarg20011

    I recognize your sarcasm and the purpose of it, I was just saying that since this is a video game forum, many of the OPs are either trolls/"special."
  9. Ghostfox

    So... pretty much kill the game?

    I think i'll pass.
  10. giltwist

    And now you know how we infiltrators feel.
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  11. Scan

    My point exact.

    If those changes would be implemented, the other classes would precisely be as gimped, errrr I mean, "strong" as the Infiltrator is, leading to a more fair, fun and equal experience for everyone!