The Parsec (VS directive Weapon)

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Shiryu, Mar 23, 2022.

  1. Shiryu

    So I firstly want to say that I enjoy quite a bit of the changes made with this weapon and attachment overhaul. A lot of weapons are better then they have ever been. However, there are a few question marks raised as well.

    I will say that I main Infiltrator. Yes shoot me now w/e. I have played the other classes to a decent degrees but I've always enjoyed sniping.

    Which brings me to the atrocity they did to the Parsec. The TR got a minimum damage bump to be a 1 shot from any range. That is actually awesome and makes their directive weapon pretty good.
    The NC got piercing ammo baked into the weapon. Take that to a biolab or farm a sunderer and you'll quickly get those collateral.

    Now, the parsec.... this weapon was gutted, nerfed, and then curb stomped. And one, just one, one very small change would fix it...

    let it passively cooldown heat like every other heat weapon.

    All the other changes to it would be a fair compromise if that happens.

    The short and long reload times being increased to the base weapon. This is a fair trade for it being a heat weapon (if it passively cooled off)
    The magazine size being reduced from 5 to 4 would be fine as well if it passively cooled off. The phaseshift only gets 2 shots before it overheats but with proper timing you can keep shooting.
    The base attachments for this weapon don't help it in any way. The only perk is the integration of the straight pull bolt, which frees up the slot for..nothing really else. Weighted receiver is ok.

    This weapon might as well not even have the heat mechanic if you don't let it passively cooldown. It now has less uptime with the reloads being increased, you get less shots, and the attachments do nothing for it.

    There is no reason to ever use this weapon over the parallax EVER if these changes go through.

    Yes I've tested it on the PTS. It feels horrible to use. It's clunky and just a downgrade in everyway. This had to of been an oversight.
  2. Shiryu

    With the new announcement for the PTS changes it has a section regarding the VS heat weapons. However there is no mention of the Parsec and its glaring issue. With its changes it is NOT a heat weapon. It is the parallax, with worse attachments, 1 less round, and the same reloads. With the PTS changes there is ZERO reason to use it.

    Please Wrel and the design team.. Please don't kill this weapon. A lot of people worked hard to get it.