The "Orion is Easymode" Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HyperMatrix, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. Goretzu

    The EM1 is in no way a competitor to the Carv or Orion. :confused:

    The EM6 is to the Carv in Trac-5 vs Merc way - that is the Carv is better in CQB, but the EM6 is better a longer range.

    The GD-22 is these days just a poor Anchor really.
  2. Goretzu

    I'm unconvinced the NC6 SAW has any real advantages over the EM6 or Anchor in most situations, long range where you can be stationay, perhaps, but then really is a LMG the right choice for that environment anyway.

    I'd still take it anywhere over the EM1 though. :D
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