The New Quartz Ridge..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EvilKoala, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. EvilKoala amazing. Its fun to attack. Its fun to defend. It's fun to infiltrate. Plenty of CQB, Mid-range, and even long range.. it's not perfect but its currently my favorite place to fight over. I just wanted to say awesome job! :)
  2. IamDH

    I havent really gotten the chance to explore it fully but it was definitely interesting. Although i think the points are far, i think it should be kept like this
  3. cruczi

    There's one thing I absolutely hate about it. It takes such a loooong time to get back to the spawn room from any of the cap points, unless you're light assault. You have literally one (two?) awkward uphill paths, no shortcuts. They should just put stairs right in the middle of the ridge, or even better, a gravity lift.. I think SOE overcompensated for the previous spawnroom's lack of defensibility.

    Other than that it's very nice. I especially like that you can now spawn tanks from there. No more need to spawn tanks all the way from Indar Excavation if you want to get armor support to attack the gate base at Hvar.
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  4. IamDH

    I also loved the tank battles that occur on the side, that was cool.
  5. Bullborn

    The best thing about Quartz Ridge is to take a nitro flash into the tubes and do loops!
  6. AzureKnight

    I like it, but it just feels... bare to me. I don't know what I exactly mean, but it just feels like it's missing something. Like... it's overly stripped of maybe detail. I can't explain it.

    What I hate about it is, like it was said, the long travel distance to the points.
  7. sustainedfire

    Its bare in that its aesthetically not pleasing. Looks like it needs an art pass.

    The layout is alright. It needs a west side entrance, even if just a tube that is very risky to try and enter- the current iteration of Quartz Ridge reminds me too much of Esamirs walled in bases.
  8. AzureKnight

    Only reason i don't want that west side entrance in any form is it would be too close to the CPs and I'm really tired of the attackers having advantages. Right now, the flow for both attackers and defenders feels generally okay except that it takes so long for the defenders to get to points. Their advantage is they get the high ground so that long distance kind of evens out. The base layout as is currently does make it more of an even match if two equal forces meet, its size even gives defense a slight advantage but not one that makes it impossible.

    It probably does need some aesthetic items, maybe a few boxes, satellites or something. the base just does look bare.
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  9. Camycamera

    i love it. so far it hasn't been prone to being spawn camped, because it is really defensible.