The new C85 changes

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by gnometheft, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. gnometheft


    As someone who had no faith a vehicle shotgun could be good ever, I just want to say SOE might have changed my opinion. While it will still be a hard weapon to use on the fly especially with a harasser, it should be easier with the increased pellets and the return to 180 RPM. Plus this will really reward well placed shots and set a skill curve for the weapon which fits with a lot of NC mechanics.
    • Testing on the H version yielded these results.
    • OHK up to 19m on all infantry.
    • 2hk up to 25m
    • 3hk up to 35m
    • 1 second or less TTK until 35m.
    • Kills a Harasser in one maxed clip at close range (8m).
    • The vanguard version is even better
    Not too shabby to say the least, definitely a huge improvement, not sure if it's quite there yet, but as an NC I really like that the devs are paying close attention to the C85 for once, and for the first time I'm confidant a model will appear that will be both effective and non overpowered by the time these balance changes are tested and finalized.
  2. Revanmug

    And then, you saw the kobalt and the Fury and realise how pointless the C85 is.

    I also have a very very hard time to accept "well placed shots and set a skill curve" for a random spread Shotgun. I suppose shotgun are skill canon now.
    • Up x 2
  3. Fredfred

    Still no reason to ever chose it over the Kobalt let alone the new Basalisk. OHK is on static subjects, trying hitting a moving target and getting OHK. Also, being a very close range weapon, try hitting that guy C4'ing your tank. I t can't hit low enough to compensate for no AOE.
  4. Zazen

    I have one last comment to SOE devs about the Enforcer Modified balance/revamp attempts thus far...

    "The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results."

    So, that begs the question..Have you guys seen your shrinks lately?

    Check your own change logs over the past year in regard to this weapon. You've already tried micro-tweaking this value or that (+ 1 pellet but minus 20 damage..blah..blah) and..El Surprise! It's still a steaming pile of camel poo!

    This weapon needs a fundamental change in design philosophy which may require some thinking outside the box. It's waaay more than a subtle tweak away from being viable.
  5. gnometheft

    lol you know thats actually a good point.
    Yea not gonna lie inmost situations (about anything passed 15m), it still seems like the fury or kobalt will function much better, and allow less accuracy for the same effectiveness. Thekobalt and fury also have ttks below one second for that close of range too, so again i dont think the new design is quite there. Though the laest change of the c85 is muchbetter than the old version, its a ways from the effectieness of a marauder, and 0 X 2 is still0.. 'Unless they consider adding indirect damage to pellets, I still am of the opinion SOE should try some other kind of weapon in its place.