Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gav7x, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. NinjaTurtle

    Firstly the Railjack is a terrible name, can't we call it the NC17 Valkyrie or something at least somewhat cool

    Secondly I hope when they nerf this they at least revert back to the old shotgun secondary otherwise it will be a bog standard BSR and have literally no purpose at all.

    As pointless as the shotgun mode was at least it was different
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  2. JaceArveduin

    Wait, they removed the shotgun bit? If so, there went any interest I had in getting it.
  3. Wyll

    Bah. That gun is inferior to the new TR one. With it, you can shoot it into the air to scare off the bears on Amerish. I am pretty sure that was what the Devs had in mind when they made it.
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  4. Epic High Five

    Man if anybody thinks having the best long range sniper rifle is a good thing for a faction you need to seriously rethink the nature of how fights go in this game. I would prefer all our sniper rifles be REMOVED ENTIRELY.

    That would make it a worse Longshot. Not really an improvement over the current situation of better Longshot.

    Just keep the stats as-is and give it slightly enhanced MAX damage, a 1 round mag, and 2 second chamber time. A long time between shots, but the shots really pack a punch, NC in a nutshell. A Longshot will still do more damage to a MAX over time, but the Railjack will do a bit less all at once. Pretty balanced I think.
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  5. LineTrap

    The opening of Strauss' Zarathustra played by a kids' orchestra. If the original invokes the onset of a new golden age, to invert it like this suggests an impending disaster.
  6. Hicksimus

    I just wanted an Infiltrator update but instead I'll just settle for rage farming with mah railgun!
  7. starecrow

    What do you think is gonna happen on the VS side? unlimited ammo, uguu~
    It's gonna be freaking annoying fighting NC outdoors now, regardless.

    Also played around with the TRAP a bit more, I'm sooo gonna get one.
  8. Torok

    It's been like that for more than 10 days now, all that changed so far is it's name, which sounds bad.
    It's pointless to start crying now.
    Wait atleast for it's Release lol.
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  9. HadesR

    Should remove the straight pull from it .. Because that's a very good feature even on the basic BASR ..

    Be nerfed within days like the Nix .. Unlike the months it took ZOE ;)
  10. Astealoth

    SOE has to give NC an excellent ES sniper. NC already gets the longshot for free which was a major oversight because it's so good there's almost no reason to upgrade unless you want to work on other auraxiums. They don't have to worry about TR because TR don't get a starting sniper at all. That joke of a semi auto battle rifle TR infils get by default couldn't win a shootout versus an equally skilled longshot if they were given 1000 tries.
  11. Epic High Five

    The NC get the Bolt Driver as default, which is equivalent to the 100 cert BASRs for the VS and TR. The Longshot is still the premium tier of pricing and is quite costly.
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  12. Astealoth

    Yes bolt driver, sorry

    it's quite a good rifle regardless. our 100 cert rifle is excellent too, but considering this disparity, i think the average TR will be looking to upgrade first. an NC can get along a very long time without thinking, oh this rifle is complete garbage I have to buy a new one before i can even play this role at all.
  13. mooman1080

    It's... It's beautiful. It brings tears to my eye.
  14. NinjaTurtle

    Yeah they removed it, it was then they buffed it's velocity to 850m/s to compensate.
  15. Vanon

    How about they just permanently change the parallax to those numbers? Give it 50 more velocity, cut the clip in half, double the champer time and cut the damage at long range. If your really trying to be fair an balanced on this feed back and not trying to troll, then you should totally start a thread. See how many VS want that.
  16. Hatesphere

    so its going to hit targets at render range in like 1/3 of a second, lovely. so why wouldn't I want this for me NC alt if i like to snipe? it almost seems like it has no downside for a sniper rifle.
  17. Flashtirade

    The one time the NC get actual railguns, it's in the department that it would be completely broken in.
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  18. Hatesphere

    the parallax would need 200 more velocity. and i would love that.
  19. HadesR

    Kinda off topic but quick question..

    Seen the straight pull for all factions in videos .. Is it as good as it looks ? even on the lower tier BASR ? ..
  20. starlinvf

    Its not the fact that the NC start with a Bolt-Action, its the fact that the Semi-autos aren't effective with the mechanics it has. Both use the same sway mechanic, but the Semis are forced to deal with time constraints (breath), recoil recovery, and lining up for the follow up shot. The definitive nature of the Bolt actions is why people choose them.

    Now if the Semi-autos offered better stability (essentially everything we wanted for the battle rifles), we'd probably find a use for it.
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