The NC Phoenix

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by TeknoBug, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. Liewec123

    not the best things to say before you tell someone else they're grasping at straws lol.
    phoenix dumbfire would be like trying to snipe with a basilisk.
    and talking about things that haven't happened yet does'nt change the fact that right now hawk is generally more useful than phoenix, you'll kill a lot more ESF with lock ons than using phoenix and hoping they hover around waiting to die, in which case you could have dumb fired them with any other RL.
    sure when lock on launchers are made border-line useless, then you can debate whether phoenix is worth using over a lock on launcher, but right now it's just too one sided.

    theres a reason you can go through the leaderboards and everyone is using either Decimator or a lock on launcher.
  2. 5ou1

    If you're being sarcastic then my apologies, but why would that need to be nerfed? It's not supposed to be a spash damage weapon. Next time instead of accidentally missing your target, try to purposely hit it.
  3. Kodaa


    The fact that you keep saying ridiculous nonsense like this is why this argument is pointless. I said you could dumb-fire the Phoenix, I didn't say you could ****ing snipe dumb-fire it. The point of dumb-firing it would be to hit something close range that didn't require guiding.

    You've done nothing to prove that the Hawk is generally more useful other than complain about the Phoenix's "awkward" controls and long reload time, while ignoring the pros that come with the cons.

    I can tell you with absolute certainty that I started killing way more ESFs (and vehicles in general) when I started using the Phoenix over lock-on launchers. Your statements are just proving my point that you're probably just bad with the thing, and therefore are looking for reasons to hate it. It's understandable, I suppose, because it can be difficult to use. Knocking ESFs out of the sky isn't always an easy task, but that doesn't mean it's bad, that means it has a high skill cap.

    Um.. no. As long as the ESF isn't ****ing cruising, hitting it with the Phoenix is doable, but it is much easier when its attacking a ground target, because they generally move slower and more predictably, but by no means do they have to be "hovering and waiting to die." As far as dumb-firing ESFs with other RLs... Lol. You'll have to judge distance, speed, trajectory, your own bullet drop and then hope it does make any sudden movements to hit an ESF that isn't EXTREMELY close with a dumb-fire RL.

    Not even close. You just want it to be.

    You're right. There are multiple reasons:

    1. The Hawk is much cheaper.

    2. The Phoenix can be harder to use.

    3. The tooltip says 750 damage (this is the reason I didn't buy it months ago).
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  4. hansgrosse

    I like my Crow. Kills dem tanks ded.

    For air I generally pull a Skyguard when at all possible. When it's not I do my best with my Annihilator, because damnit, I paid for the thing so I'm gonna make it useful! :p

    I have no experience with the Phoenix, and honestly, I'm not interested in it. I DO wish I could get a Lancer equivalent though. Give NC a large caliber, high-velocity Gauss AT rifle or summat (I know, I know. It'll never happen. A man can dream).
  5. Rikkit

    a singele phoenix didnt do much, but if you have an organized group of phoenix users, it will be funny

    oh and it's nice for farming infantery in a bigger fights, where both sides didnt push forward...
  6. Liewec123

    lets just leave this, i think its ridiculously useless, you think its awesome, we're at an impass,
    have a good day with your phoenix, i'll have fun with my hawk. :)
    which is obviously better muahaha!
  7. Kodaa

    I was about to say the same. I couldn't really see either of us saying "Y'know, you're probably right."

    You'll come crawling back when lock-ons get nerfed :)
  8. Apples

    It's not new but the rocket does quickly descend after you exit the guidance mode which is bad and makes little sense.
  9. Mxiter

    Aiming higher before leaving the camera mode isn't that hard!
  10. Messaiga

    You have to aim pretty high sometimes. It has even more drop than the Decimator.
  11. soeguud

    I guided a shot at a lib, missed the mark so raged and tapped 'e'. then I watch the projectile gracefully slap the scythe behind it :3
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