The Math and Statistics behind The OP Striker and Why It Needs To Be Changed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vanu-Tman, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. illgot

    some devs like to say "hey a lot of people are using this, so it's OP and needs to change"... hence the ZOE nerf even though Fractures have a higher kill count than any Max weapon in game.

    If ZOE was really OP wouldn't a VS weapon have the most kills?

    The above is all accurate but a pile of BS, you can't use simple math to figure out a basis of power. You have to go in game and experience it from all sides and use human intelligence to translate all information instead of a simple line of stats or a mathematical formula.

    But I will ask one question, with exception to the Decimator which is a high yield dumb fire rocket good against maxes, why would the TR use anything but the Striker?
  2. Yasa

    Nerf it. Its a ****** gun anways. Maybe when you nerf strikers, more TR will actually use the dumbfire rockets that actually destroy things. Instead of waiting 3s to lock on to something and just die. A nerf to the striker will benefit the tr.
  3. skyN3T

    I just LOVE math. So lets chew on your data.

    Accuracy is actually your hit ratio, not kill ratio! That is important in this case, because Striker fires a volley of 5 rounds.

    Your Hit count is 2704 which would mean under OPTIMAL circumstances 2704/5=504 full strikes hit which would mean 504 ESF kills (I know you can fire it at a lot of stuff, lets step over that bias for now), but you have 87 kills only. I presume you shoot at libs/gals/ground targets moar often, or you dont let go all 5 rockets - which in practice means less DPS and resulting in assists or bailouts which are not showed in these data (can be roughly guessed from weapon score, but thats far from perfect). A final glance on fire count... 4612. Roughly 40% of fired (Teh OH-SO-MIGHTY guidance system) missiles hit. I can't see a huge threat here.

    I'm not offended by the Striker nor using it though, and building proof on just one line of data is shallow so all I can say for sure:
    ESFs don't need to worry about this striker wearer. (Nothing on a personal level, no offense to you, Trebb!)
  4. JokeForgrim

    -Now... They didnt used to.
    -I have 40ms ping 0 packet loss (to the server) yet this bug happens multiple times. Just like the lock continuing even when you break line of sight (before they have fired).

    Maybe its the person with the strikers lag?

    But yeah on empty continents I see 1 heavy locking on, So I start running, Put as much terrain between me and them, Even then the lock goes solid, wait a few seconds and then deploy flares. BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG *facepalm* retreats with 1/4 health.

    Strikers are the reason no one flies over TR space anymore, Now all they need is a Lock down burster and they will be the perfect anti air faction... Oh wait *sarcasm*

    But yeah please explain it to me, There is literally nothing else I could have done. This has happened to me more than 50 times.
  5. Haterade

    Except when in a close fight, where sitting exposed for ~5 seconds will get you killed. Or when there's cover for them to move behind and break lock. Or when 1 medium-damage rocket is better than 5 weak rockets.

    I think the tears are obscuring your ability to see the truth.

    It doesn't always hit, and often times you don't have time to mag dump before the lock is broken. Further, Striker rockets have a tendency to hit the ground around a vehicle when you have the high ground and it's moving (for example, I've seen a slow-*** Sunderer reverse causing every single rocket hit the ground in front of him when shooting down at him from a tech plant's turret bay).

    If a tank gets near you, you're screwed. If a turret is pounding you, you're screwed. If a MAX is after you, you're screwed. In all these situations the SKEP is infinitely better.
  6. IamSalvation

    For every other Launcher i have to lose 3/4 of my health to get killed by one random guy... bit diffrent if you have to lose 1/4 health or 3/4 health isn´t it?

    Also: With Strikers you are dead if 2 Guys lock on you, every other launcher needs 3 sync Users to insta kill you. Anihilator needs even 4.
  7. Ganelon

    From my experience, the Grounder kills an ESF with 2 missiles.
  8. IamSalvation

    All Lock ons need 3... 2 Hits bring a ESF to burning state but with more than enough time to land and repair.
    Strikers kill with 2 Locks. (afaik its something like 8 oder 9 Striker hits, so less then 2 Full Locks)
  9. S0LAR15

    Exposed? Exposed? Having used the striker and had it used against me, using it from the edge of cover is all that's needed. The projectiles hardly even reneder half the time if you sit up in your ESF and flare the volleym hoping to see wher the noob ****e is, you will most likely not see them.

    Exposed, get real, no one but a noob is going to stand in open space.........

    You're example is from the old striker, the new, broken as **** projectile follows trajectory, meaning they 90 degree round cliffs, fly over hills and always hit.
  10. Drealgrin

    let all 5 missiles fire 25% faster but make them wire guided.
  11. Haterade

    Your illogical tears fuel my Sunderer. May I have some more?