[Vehicle] The Magrider is complete garbage

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpectralAndroid, Sep 11, 2016.

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  1. DQCraze

    Watch some HairyBigfoot videos in the Mag.
  2. stalkish

    Which on is 'faster':

    Whilst the drag racer will get to a top speed faster, good luck turning it.
    Speed isnt simply 'how fast can i go in a straight line' we also need to consider:
    How fast it turns
    How much its 'speed' is effected by terrain
    How quicky it accelerates
    How long does it take to stop

    If i were racing with any of the 3 tanks, id choose the mag, it has the best answers those questions imo.
  3. Nurath

    When someone says the Magrider is garbage or the worst tank I can't take anything they say seriously ever again.

    Although it IS on form for Vanu to have the measurable advantage and still moan for buffs.
  4. MasterOhh


    Well, now I am curious. Would you care to elaborate?
  5. ridicOne

    Love all the NC and TR circle jerking going on. When you have to do said keep at x distance. Ambush from behind play stealthy, and I don't know how many times I have to say SITUATIONAL because there isn't terrain advantages 100% of the time. There's alot of factors going on here to make it a so called beast. Maybe some people should steep back and think a little bit. There's far to many exceptions needed especially for new players to say this tank is fine. Not that any of the tanks act as tanks in this game. Maybe your just getting schooled by vets?
    I eat Maggie's alive in a Prowler and Vanguard and basically never get rolled up from behind.

    Too many people here are over thing of the advantage the mobility gives you because there isn't an advantage on 100% of the terrain. It's now the least pulled mbt and stats wise is below Vanguard but not by tons.

    In a zerg the multipliers work as such, mobility when multiplied needs space in zergs space decreases. You lose your advantage and the larger the fights the less room to move. If the Maggie was soo awesome why isn't it the king of the stats?
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  6. user101

    VS trolling for a Buff and watch the DEV's will give it to them... you watch.
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  7. King_Shano

    In the same sense I can't think of any times I've snuck up on a tank and not killed a it regardless of which one. Ignoring outside factors like libs/heavies/tank mines playing deterrent on my ambush of course.
  8. Dethonlegs

    I know how to use a mag and I don't have a problem with prowlers. Sure a good crew will take me out most of the time if they simply charge, especially with a vulcan on top, but if I can get the drop on them, especially if they are in lockdown, it's a near 100% certainty I get the kill.

    Vanguards are another story entirely. You cannot take out a skilled crew unless you have unbelievable terrain advantage (top of a hill, etc). If you want to take on one on flat ground then choose a choke point and put down mines. Even then your odds are not good.
  9. Scatterblak

    Man, just can't agree. First of all, if you're driving, get a Supernova and Thermal Optics. Thermal works in the day as well as night time, and you'll be able to snipe through the tiniest crevices, between buildings, trees, etc. Make sure you've got a good gunner, and most importantly, pick your fights wisely. Rolling out head to head against a prowler isn't going to end well, but you're not going to see a prowler on the roof of a building or jumping over a sunderer very often, either. The Mag is the equivalent of a Light Assault - it's not meant to be as beefy as the other MBT's, but it's not intended on taking them on head to head anyway. Flank the enemy, come at them from behind, or over the top, across a building, over the ridge, etc. There are lots of places the other tanks can't get to - I can't count the times we've turned a battle around by getting someplace the other guys can't and just pounding sunderers from far, far away. Running the mag with my squadmate is probably the most fun we have in game. :)
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  10. Mooveoverbrt

    Magrider is not garbage... just requires a different play style its not suppose to be played like a "traditional" tank. Feel free to add me in game and come gun for me on emerald (Phatalend is my game name). As for Axiom while it does require a bit more finesse in handling a vanguard due to their shield and well crewed magrider will not be right behind a vanguard when doing a flank... it negates its mobility and will be drawn into a close quarters battle in which it wont win. TLDR- Flanking a vanguard and getting rear shots keep a distance and your rival rotating doesn't mean squat against a FPC/Saron.
  11. Shadowomega

    2000 HP however with the shields inherits the directional damage mitigation as well, giving it more effective health then 2k.
  12. Demigan

    Eh yes, that's why attacking it from behind, where one salvo murders 2500+ health, is the way to go. I even mentioned myself that it takes directional damage.
  13. AxiomExotic

    You dont seem to understand what people are trying to tell you do you? You really think a vanguard would allow you to keep shotting it in the ***? If it is a competent vanguard driver he will have rival. You will not be able to get more than one shot into the *** before the armored side is shown to you.
  14. Demigan

    You don't seem to understand what I'm telling you, against a Magrider who just keeps up the Vanguard doesn't have a choice but to get shot in the back.

    Besides that, any competent Vanguard will be using Racer.
  15. AxiomExotic

    Okay, you just told me you know nothing about vanguard drivers if you think any competent drivers will use racer. And no, magriders cant out turn me.
  16. Demigan

    I don't know what kind of weak sauce your "competent" Vanguard drivers are, but Racer is what makes a good Vanguard driver good.

    You must be one of those players who thinks he's good by sitting behind a rock, trading shots with players hoping that they hide behind a rock too late, compensating for problematic positioning with his Rival Chassis to correct your own fault.
  17. AxiomExotic

    Yes, because those 15 extra kph will do me so much good wont they? No, they wont. The vanguards advantage is not speed, so you should not try to increase it. Rival is much more useful for my playstyle: quickly reacting to enemy fire and moving into cover quickly. So, you would try to rush at people head on? If you would, you are not a good tank driver and are not worth my time. If you dont, what do you want the racer for? To run away? Please explain to me how being faster is useful.
  18. Slandebande

    It's not "just" 15kph, it's also increased acceleration (even with proper gear-skipping it is noticeable). Keep in mind that it IS a significant %-age increase of the top speed, and that isn't even including the added acceleration.

    The Vanguards advantage is not reverse-speed or hull-turning, so you should not try to increase it. See how that argument works?

    Right, so you are sitting back, performing slugging matches at enemies far away and not performing flanking maneuvers? I can see why Rival is useful, but keep in mind your playstyle isn't the one everyone else follows. It implies you are more of a farmer (not saying that is the case with you, but the playstyle you describe has more farmers in it).

    Where did he write he would rush at people head on? Most good tankers rely on flanking maneuvers to engage their enemies, and not just sitting and slugging away at enemies far away. That implies breaking off from the zerg of course, which means you generally only have yourself (and your gunner of course, because you are 2/2 right?) to rely on. Why is it so many people believe there are only 2 options in this game (1: Sitting with the zerg slugging, 2: charging STRAIGHT INTO the enemy zerg)?

    I would be careful about calling other people names, especially based upon the reasons you would do it. Keep in mind that your playstyle isn't the only one, and you aren't even near the most experienced tanker in here. Many people are using the tanks differently that how I assume you are using yours, and I personally think they are the ones using the tank more effectively.

    There are so many ways it can be useful it would be tedious to list them all, but I'll at least list a few:
    • Moving faster when performing flanking maneuvers gives the enemies less time to notice you with their peripheral vision
    • The ability to move cover to cover is greatly enhanced, reducing your exposure time, and adding to your ability to perform mobile strikes without stopping
    • Chasing down targets that might otherwise get away (a Magrider Magburning away after being flanked for instance)
    • Relocating after a flanking assault has drawn attention (can be deemed as "running away", but generally perceived as more of a tactical maneuver)
    • Chasing (and catching up) to lone enemies you have been stalking
    • Escaping from aircraft (an ever-present threat for the flanking MBT-crew), and again, less exposure time means less risk of being detected
    • At times it is beneficial to actually charge an opponent, especially if you have managed to already gain an advantage (for instance via a slugging match). The speed allows you to either charge straight in, or to another cover closer-by.
    • Etc.
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  19. JAKKAT

    Hell no; Magrider's massively overpowered in broken terrain in a 1v1. Full battle's well balanced.
  20. Demigan

    Yeah, and people make fun of the Magrider for it's slowest speed despite the small difference.

    That speed is incredibly important.You need it much more than you need extra maneuverability, which basically won't give you any advantage over the other two tanks even so. The speed however can make all the difference in the world, and it's much more important to have speed when using advanced tactics with the Vanguard than it is to have maneuverability. Especially since even with the Vanguard you can flank (because most players sit behind rocks and don't pay attention to alternative roads) and you are better off going the long way around and want to limit exposure time to things like aircraft seeing you.

    The Vanguards advantage isn't maneuverability either, in fact maneuverability is it's biggest weak point even with Rival Chassis.

    Ha! I was right! All you do is sit behind rocks and trade shots! As for "quickly reacting" the Vanguard is still a brick with max Rival, and the only thing you can be reacting to is... enemies surprising you. I thought you claimed you were immune to that? A competent Vanguard user (or any tank user at all) controls as much of the engagement as he can, rather than having to react all the time.

    It's like saying "I'm competent because I use Heavy, since I can react to enemy fire with a shield". While someone really competent controls the engagement and doesn't need a shield, but actually tries to get advantages that will win him the battle despite the shield of his opponent.

    Now I'm not saying that your playstyle is invalid, it's just not exactly the pinnacle of gameplay when with a bit more risk you can be the guy that breaks stalemates, finishes off hostile tanks that would simply get repaired and get back in the fight otherwise and outflanking hostile tanks in 1v1's and win despite the Vanguards monstrous driving capabilities.

    Why on Auraxis would I rush people head-on? Because I said I want speed? You don't want to rush people, you want to use that speed to cover terrain as fast as possible to avoid being seen, avoid getting caught and to better be able to get to an advantageous position when you do.

    You are really trying to invent the worst thing you can do with speed and then say that I'm doing that, rather than think of alternatives. Or you really do believe that the only usage of speed would be to rush head-on, and your eligibility for "competent tank driver" goes out the window because your knowledge of possible tank tactics is extremely limited to "stand still, lob shells, hide behind cover for repairs, use Rival to compensate for mistakes in positioning my chassis".
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