The Lightning not doing it for you?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpaceKing, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. f0d

    this new tank thats coming out how about we make it so it requires a fairly hefty cert investment to unlock instead of making them cost loads of resources
    then not everyone will be able to get them - only the dedicated tank drivers (and they wont get spammed because of this)

    something like the timer unlock we have now but starting at 1000 certs
    lvl1 1000 certs a colossus every 45mins and unlocks the ability to use them
    lvl2 1500 certs a colossus every 40mins
    lvl3 2000 certs a colossus every 35 mins
    lvl4 2500 certs a colossus every 30 mins
    lvl5 3000 certs a colossus every 20 mins
  2. Smoo

    Remember this thread?
    • Up x 1
  3. Revel

    Why on Auraxis would they ever make a vehicle cost infantry resources? That's a silly idea. The idea of requiring 2+ people pulling it and using resources from all of them is much better.

    Ideally I'd like to see something like, 1 driver (who can focus solely on driving), 1 main gunner, 2 secondary gunners. Requiring a bigger crew alleviates some of the problems of people who'd use this to run around solo.
  4. Epic High Five

    Oh man, that post is over a year old. It predates the current nanite resource system.

    Back then, the only resources that actually mattered were infantry, because they were used up quickly and used on a lot. Air and Mechanized were only used for a single thing, which you occupied while you gained more resources, meaning you were never actually forced to do something other than tank provided you could survive more than 5 minutes (if solo) or not even that (if you're splitting pulls with your gunner)
  5. Peebuddy

    This is what happens when 4 lightnings merge together and form Voltron
  6. Liewec123

    NC get to equip it with the worlds biggest shotgun,
    VS get to fire beautiful, fabulous rainbows,
    TR get a 500000RPM armour piercing 500dmg gatling gun :)
  7. Raap

    I'm sure this vehicle suffered the same faith as fleet carriers.

    That being said I was never too sold on the concept on another NS vehicle. NS-everything weapons and vehicle is immersion breaking to the point of silliness, and I'm not usually one to care for immersion in shooters. But do none of the factions ever stop and think for one minute about why all three of them are funding a single 'neutral' company that produces higher tech hardware than they themselves can?

    ... Anyway, assuming PS2 and DGC land on their feet following the recent... issues (and I'm still extremely sceptical about that), I'd rather see development continue on enhancing existing infantry classes and vehicles with new weapon types and utilities, more specifically, more empire-specific things. In addition to meta-game improvements such as the remaining phases of the resource revamp, improvements to rail roads... I mean lattice networks. Character progression beyond BR100 in the form of specialisations (this will end vehicle/MAX/whatever spam), improved new player experience, and a refreshed marketing campaign to attract new players.

    But I guess at this point I can only dream. But I'd hate to see PS2 die - Despite me not playing it much lately, I still enjoyed the game a lot more than most shooters or even MMORPG's that have been released in the past few years.
  8. Thrasis

    I wants my O.G.R.E. and I wants it now!

    Not to drive, to kill. :p