The Lifecycle of an SOE title...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Crazyfingers, Apr 11, 2013.

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  1. Crazyfingers

    Hardcore SOE fan: "This game isn't similar enough to (insert previous SOE failure here)!"

    Objective gamer: "Hmm this might be sorta fun, looks great, wonder how it's going to play in a few months..."

    SOE: "We need to monetize this friggin' game, the ship is sinking faster than ever"


    Hardcore SOE fan: "This game isn't similar enough to (insert previous SOE failure here)! WTF is this, usability? IF YOU DON'T DO X OR Y I'M LEAVING!"

    Objective gamer: "Hmm this is ALMOST worth playing, but X and Y aspects of this game are friggin' terrible, and the community here is sh*t. This game could be great but there are just a few things way off"



    Hardcore SOE fan: "This game still isn't as clunky and hard to get into as the game i remember 10 years ago, if you don't continue to inch towards that vision I'm quitting.

    Objective gamer: "Planetside 2? Yeah, i sorta remember that game..."

    SOE: "****, player base is shrinking again, we need to double down on our core fan base again since they're the only ones who have ever kept us afloat, god bless them..."
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  2. Nocturnal7x

    If this game dies its because of laggy servers (medics and engineers completely screwed sometimes) and pumps.
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  3. gigastar

    It just needs more marketing.

    As CoD proved you can can convince people to repeatedly buy anything with marketing.
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  4. Crazyfingers

    Well to be fair CoD made unlocks universally accessible to its audience while delivering quick and easy matchmaking between 2 even teams of combatants which culminates in a game delivering fun to all involved rather than some form of bizarre spawn system simulator revolving around long cooldowns and unnecessarily complex resource and exp systems further muddled by an overburdened unlock system and slammed inside disproportionately populated factions, fought across continents suffering from under and overpopulation in a war with no clear goal whatsoever.
  5. Chiss

    What this game really needs is mass advertising. No one has a ******* clue what Planetside even is....

    If it is a release title on PlayStation 4, that would be a VERY good thing. I just hope they mix PC/PS4 users on the same servers.

    Heres to hoping it stays afloat and improves...
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  6. bobzebrick

    A post of gold, man I love you!
  7. RageMasterUK

    Microsoft tried merging console and PC players in competetive games once...

    ... it didnt work out too well. Console players got pwned.... badly...
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  8. WalrusJones

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  9. jdono67894

    This game has or had everything it needed to be a classic that stays popular for years, unfortunately the guy who designed the bases didn't care and just randomly threw house sized boxes into a random assortment and said "yes, this is good enough I guess.".

    Really, the dropping players has not slowed down according to SOE's own statistics, if they want to save the game from being a ghostown before December they can either listen to the community and make the bases defensible, interesting and fun or remove infantry and remarket the game into futuristic aircraft and tank combat.
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  10. RadarX

    As this is not related to a specific PlanetSide 2 gameplay topic I do need to close it. We appreciate the feedback. Thanks!
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